108 ISKCON Bhagavad Gita Changes

The “Revised and Enlarged” edition of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is distributed by today’s ISKCON is very different from Srila Prabhupada’s original Gita. Jayadvaita Swami, who radically changed ISKCON’s Gita in the early 80’s without any authorization from Srila Prabhupada, says in a note in the Revised & Enlarged edition (1983 printing):

“…the Sanskrit editors were by now accomplished scholars. And now they were able to see their way through perplexities in the manuscript by consulting the same Sanskrit commentaries Srila Prabhupada consulted when writing Bhagavad-gita As It Is.” 

The BBT editors may think they are very great scholars, qualified to go back to the original scriptures and “correct” Srila Prabhupada’s translations… But Srila Prabhupada didn’t have so much faith in his “Sanskrit Scholar” disciples…

“…a little learning is dangerous, especially for the Westerners. I am practically seeing that as soon as they begin to learn a little Sanskrit immediately they feel that they have become more than their guru and then the policy is kill guru and be killed himself.” (Srila Prabhupada letter to Dixit das on 18 Sep 1976)

There are some typographical errors in the 1972 printing and if Jayadvaita had simply corrected the obvious typos no one would have been at all concerned.

The problem is Jayadvaita did not just correct typographical errors. He has also changed so many things. There are thousands of changes which are completely unnecessary, change for the sake of change. Most of the changes make no improvement to the book whatsoever. However these changes alter whole “feel” and style of the book and devotees do not like the new “style.”

Among his more than 5,000 changes to Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is there are many major changes to the meaning of the text in the original book amid thousands of petty changes which apparently do not change the meaning…

There are hundreds of changes that completely alter the meaning of what Srila Prabhupada says in the original book including many that change philosophical points Srila Prabhupada personally confirmed while giving his classes and hearing his original Bhagavad-gita As It Is read by devotees…

To give some idea of the changes we have collected 108 of them. This is by no means a complete list. There are hundreds more similar changes that COMPLETELY alter the meaning of the text in Srila Prabhupada’s book, but these 108 changes will give us a small insight as to how different the current ISKCON Bhagavad-gita is from Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

I guarantee if you take a little time to carefully go through this paper you will be surprised and shocked to see than the GBC could allow such meddling with Srila Prabhupada’s books…

These 108 changes are only a few examples we have selected to illustrate the fact that ISKCON’s current “Revised and Enlarged” Bhagavad-gita, in many cases, presents a completely different message from the one presented in Srila Prabhupada’s original Gita. It’s NOT, NOT, NOT at all the same message one gets by reading Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is! It’s a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT BOOK to Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Srila Prabhupada completely approved his original Bhagavad-gita As It Is , he read it himself daily and gave all of his classes from it. He certainly did not give ANYONE the AUTHORITY to “revise and enlarge” it.

ISKCON have never explained why they have produced a “Bhagavad-gita” which contains hundreds of changes that COMPLETELY alter the meaning of the book when compared to the original version Srila Prabhupada personally read from daily, gave all his classes from and did not ask anyone to “revise and enlarge.” ISKCON’s book is completely different from Srila Prabhuapda’s Gita. There is no authority for all these changes? Srila Prabhupada gave no authority for these changes whatsoever…

Please study the following which simply presents the text from Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is followed by the corresponding changed text from ISKCON’s “revised and enlarged” Gita. Words displayed in red have been deleted and words in green have been added into the new book.


…they can achieve real happiness only if they consult Krsna, or the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam–which constitute the science of Krsna–or the bona fide representative of Krsna, the man in Krsna consciousness.


…they can achieve real happiness only if they consult Krsna, or the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam–which constitute the science of Krsna–through the bona fide representative of Krsna, the man in Krsna consciousness.

(1) It’s only one word changed, but what a difference! In Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita we can understand Krsna by reading the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, after all the books are not different from Krsna!! This is no longer possible, according to ISKCON’s current Gita.


…The body itself is unimportant. Arjuna was advised to fight and to sacrifice the material body for the cause of religion.


…The body itself is unimportant. Arjuna was advised to fight and not sacrifice the cause of religion for material, bodily considerations.

(2) Arjuna WAS advised by Krsna to “sacrifice the material body for the cause of religion…” But one would never know that by reading the current ISKCON version. This is typical of Jayadvaita’s word juggling. He uses many of the same words as in the original book but moves them around to get a completely different meaning…


It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable and unchangeable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.


It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable and immutable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.

(3) One would never know the soul is unchangeable by reading they current ISKCON Gita… They concept that the soul is unchangeable has been deleted…


O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature.


O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any living being.

(4) If one removes “is eternal” [perhaps by studying the original sanskrit to “correct” Srila Prabhupada’s translation] it is NOT the same thing as the book Srila Prabhupada personally read from daily and gave all his classes from. Is it? Why didn’t Jayadvaita Swami listen to Srila Prabhupada’s classes?

“O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature.”

Prabhupada: Dehi nityam avadhyo ‘yam dehe sarvasya bharata. Dehe, dehe means body, within the body. This topic began, dehino ‘smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara. Deha, dehi. Dehi means one who possesses the body. Just like guni. Asthate in prata. The grammatical. Guna, in, deha, in, in prata. Dehin sabda. So the nominative case of dehin sabda is dehi. Dehi nityam, eternal. In so many ways, Krsna has explained. Nityam, eternal. Indestructible, immutable. It does not take birth, it does not die, it is always, constantly the same. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. In this way, again he says nityam, eternal. (730831BG.LON)

Here Srila Prabhupada very clearly stresses that ‘nityam’ means eternal. But Jayadvaita has “intelligently” removed “eternal” form the current ISKCON translation of this verse!


…Discharging one’s specific duty in any field of action in accordance with varnasrama-dharma serves to elevate one to a higher status of life.


…Discharging one’s specific duty in any field of action in accordance with the orders of higher authorities serves to elevate one to a higher status of life.

(5) Why bother with varnasrama-dharma? How can one make spiritual advancement by following varnasrama-dharma? No. One has to surrender to the ISKCON authorities…


If someone gives up self-gratificatory pursuits and works in Krsna consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part?


If someone gives up his occupational duties and works in Krsna consciousness and then falls down on account of not completing his work, what loss is there on his part?

(6) Is it really the same thing to give up “self-gratificartory pursuits” and to give up “occupational duties?”


Be steadfast in yoga, O Arjuna. Perform your duty and abandon all attachment to success or failure. Such evenness of mind is called yoga.


Perform your duty equipoised, O Arjuna, abandoning all attachment to success or failure. Such equanimity is called yoga.

(7) Just see! We get absolutely no hint at all from the current ISKCON translation that a devotee is “steadfast in yoga” or a devotee has any “evenness of mind.” However, when Tamala Krsna read the verse to Srila Prabhupada in 1968 (681216BG.LA) Prabhupada had this to say:

Tamala Krsna: “Be steadfast in your duty, O Arjuna, and abandon all attachment to success or failure. Such evenness of mind is called yoga.”

Prabhupada: This is the explanation of yoga, evenness of mind. Yoga-samatvam ucyate. If you work for Krsna, then there is no cause of lamentation or jubilation. Jubilation is there because you are working for Krsna, but there is no cause of lamentation. Yoga-sthah kuru karmani, yogah karmasu kausalam. That is the secret of activities, how you can very diligently work at the same time you are not entangled with the actions. That is the secret. Go on.

Srila Prabhupada very clearly accepts the translation As It Is!!! He does not say “It’s wrong! Please get Jayadvaita Swami to change it…”

Not only does Srila Prabhupada accept the translation As It Is, he says “This is the explanation of yoga, evenness of mind.” And Jayadvaita Swami has completely deleted it!!!


O Dhananjaya, rid yourself of all fruitive activities by devotional service, and surrender fully to that consciousness. Those who want to enjoy the fruits of their work are misers.


O Dhananjaya, keep all abominable activities far distant by devotional service, and in that consciousness surrender unto the Lord. Those who want to enjoy the fruits of their work are misers.

(8) This is completely different. The original is all about giving up fruitive activities, it means activities that we perform because we desire to enjoy the fruits or the results of those activities. A devotee only performs activities for the pleasure of Krishna. He never performs any activities because he wants to himself enjoy the results of them. This is the concept of ridding ourselves of all frutitve activities.  Here the emphasis has been taken off “freeing oneself from all fruitive activities.” Also the the meaning of surrender has been changed… Anyhow it’s very different from the translation clearly accepted by Srila Prabhupada in his physical presence.


The wise, engaged in devotional service take refuge in the Lord, and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death by renouncing the fruits of action in the material world. In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries.


By thus engaging in devotional service to the Lord, great sages or devotees free themselves from the results of work in the material world. In this way they become free from the cycle of birth and death and attain the state beyond all miseries [by going back to Godhead].

(9) Krishna! It’s difficult to work out what Jayadvaita is trying to do here! The original translation is so perfectly clear and obvious. After reading it there’s no doubt what it says… “The wise, engaged in devotional service take refuge in the Lord and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death by renouncing the fruits of action in the material world. In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries.” What’s wrong with that? It’s perfect! When we read Jayadvaita’s translation it’s not at all clear… And the meaning is completely different from the one personally approved by Srila Prabhupada!

Here Jayadvaita Swami has again covered up the point that devotees renounce the fruits of action. He doesn’t seem to like this point and often obscures it, but it’s a basic cornerstone of Krsna Consciousness… Whatever fruits our actions produce are not ours! They’re Krsna’s and should be used in Krsna’s service. That’s renouncing the fruits of our actions, we don’t enjoy them ourselves, we use them for Krsna’s enjoyment…

So what did Srila Prabhupada think about the original translation? Did he ask Jayadvaita to change it?

Tamala Krsna: “The wise, engaged in devotional service, take refuge in the Lord and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death by renouncing the fruits of action in the material world.”

Prabhupada: Yes. There is purport?

Tamala Krsna: No. There’s a little more to that sloka.

Prabhupada: All right. Finish.

Tamala Krsna: “In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries.”

Prabhupada: Read it again.

Tamala Krsna: “The wise, engaged in devotional service, take refuge in the Lord and free themselves from the cycle of birth and death by renouncing the fruits of action in the material world. In this way they can attain that state beyond all miseries.”

Prabhupada: How easy it is. You take to Krsna consciousness, you act in Krsna consciousness, you overcome the cycle of birth and death. And as soon as you overcome the cycle of birth and death, you overcome all miseries. Because birth and death means this material body. The living entity, spirit soul, has no birth and death. And anyone who possesses this material body has to undergo the threefold miseries of the material world. A similar passage is there in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The other day, as I was speaking to you, nunam pramattah kurute vikarma. All these people, they are acting in a way which they ought not to have done. Nunam pramattah. But they are acting as madmen. Why? Yad indriya-pritaya, for satisfaction of the senses. Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma yad indriya-pritaya aprnoti na sadhu manye. This is not good. Because he does not know that he has achieved this material body by working in that way in his previous life. Again he is working in that way. So he’ll have to accept again this material body, therefore he’s miser. He’s not properly utilizing. Go on.

So it’s obvious Srila Prabhupada approved of, accepted and fully authorized the original translation! He had Tamala Krsna read it and agreed, “Yes, there is purport?” Then he had Tamala read it again, “How easy it is…” There is absolutely no hint Srila Prabhupada even considered anyone would dare to change the translation he personally heard twice here and completely agreed with and approved of…


He who is without attachment, who does not rejoice when he obtains good, nor lament when he obtains evil, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge.


In the material world, one who is unaffected by whatever good or evil he may obtain, neither praising it nor despising it, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge.

(10) Here the principle of being without attachment is completely removed from Jayadvaita’s translation. Of course he may say he has some secret manuscript he has got this information from or he may have studied the Sanskrit and by his great learning in the Sanskrit language decided there was no attachment in the original Sanskrit. But where did he get the authority from to retranslate this verse?


The Yoga-sutra also prescribes meditation on Visnu, and not meditation on the void. The so-called yogis who meditate on something which is not the Visnu form simply waste their time in a vain search after some phantasmagoria. We have to be Krsna conscious–devoted to the Personality of Godhead. This is the aim of the real yoga.


The Yoga-sutra also prescribes meditation on Visnu, and not meditation on the void. The so-called yogis who meditate on something which is not on the Visnu platform simply waste their time in a vain search after some phantasmagoria. We have to be Krsna conscious–devoted to the Personality of Godhead. This is the aim of the real yoga.

(11) Just see how he works! He has not even deleted any words at all here! He has just added in “on” and “plat” and see the effect it has! The original says anyone who meditates on something other than the Visnu form is wasting his time, but Jayadvaita has to adjust this as what about the impersonalists? They meditate on the impersonal form, etc… Surely they’re not wasting their time?? So has to change Srila Prabhupada’s purport…


One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor a steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?


One who is not connected with the Supreme [in Krsna consciousness] can have neither transcendental intelligence nor a steady mind, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?

(12) “A controlled mind…” In the original we can clearly see there’s no possibility of peace and happiness without a controlled mind, but in Jayadvaita’s translation the mind control has become a “steady mind?” He has also made it very confusing. The meaning is no where near as clear as the original. Who said Jayadvaita was making “better English?” He’s making bewildering English!

Tamala Krsna: 66: “One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace, and how can there be any happiness without peace?”

Prabhupada: Everyone in this material world, they are after peace, but they don’t want to control the senses. It is not possible. Just like you are diseased, and doctor says that “You take this medicine, you take this diet,” but you cannot control. You are taking anything you like, against the instruction of the physician. Then how you can be cured? Similarly, we want cure of the chaotic condition of this material world, we want peace and prosperity, but we are not ready to control the senses. We do not know how to control the senses. We do not know the real yogic principle of controlling the senses. So there is no possibility of peace. Kutah santir ayuktasya. The exact word is there in the Bhagavad-gita. If you are not engaged in Krsna consciousness, there is no possibility of peace. Artificially, you may try for it. It is not possible. Go on. (681219BG.LA)

Just see! Srila Prabhupada heard this verse personally and immediately he is preaching on the point of sense control! Where does he say “Get Jayadvaita Swami to delete mind control from the translation?” No. He does not say that. He preaches on sense control!


The Blessed Lord said: O sinless Arjuna, I have already explained that there are two classes of men who realize the self. Some are inclined to understand Him by empirical, philosophical speculation, and others are inclined to know Him by devotional work.


The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O sinless Arjuna, I have already explained that there are two classes of men who try to realize the self. Some are inclined to understand it by empirical, philosophical speculation, and others by devotional service.

(12) Just a few of Jayadvaita Swami’s little “corrections…”


One who restrains the senses and organs of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender.


One who restrains the senses of action but whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes himself and is called a pretender.


On the other hand, he who controls the senses by the mind and engages his active organs in works of devotion, without attachment, is by far superior.


On the other hand, if a sincere person tries to control the active senses by the mind and begins karma-yoga [in Krsna consciousness] without attachment, he is by far superior.

(13 & 14) This is one of the most amazing changes. Jayadvaita has removed or changed ALL the main points in the original verse! The original clearly says one who CONTROLS his senses by the mind and ENGAGES in works of devotion is by far superior… After reading all of Srila Prabhupada’s other books and hearing his classes one would expect to find this in Srila Prabhuapda’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is.

Jayadvaita’s version is a little different… He’s much more generous. According to him if a “sincere person” TRIES to control the senses and BEGINS karma-yoga [in Krsna consciousness] he is by far superior! One does not even have to control his senses, just “try to”, and he does not even have to be engaged in devotional service, he just has to “begin karma-yoga…” We can note [according to Jayadvaita] one does not even have to make any advancement in karma-yoga, if he just begins karma-yoga and TRIES to control his senses he is by far superior!!

So is there any hint Srila Prabhupada wanted Jayadvaita to make these changes to this verse? Is there any hint Srila Prabhupada was not satisfied with the original translation?

Sudama: Verse number seven: “On the other hand, he who controls the senses by the mind and engages his active organs in works of devotion without attachment is by far superior.”

Prabhupada: Yes. Instead of artificially trying to meditate and control the senses, just engage your senses in the activities of Krsna consciousness and gradually you will be happy. Your senses will be controlled. Go on. (681223BG.LA)

Srila Prabhupada clearly hears the original translation has no objections to it whatsoever! Rather Srila Prabhupada completely agrees with the original translation and EMPHASISES the very points Jayadvaita has DELETED in his translation!! Srila Prabhupada emphasises engaging the senses in Krishna consciousness and thus controlling them. But there’s no hint in Jayadvaita’s translation of engaging the senses in devotional service [just “beginning karma-yoga”??] and there’s no mention of controlling them either [just TRYING to control the senses…]


Perform your prescribed duty, for action is better than inaction. One cannot even maintain his physical body without work.


Perform your prescribed duty, for doing so is better than not working. One cannot even maintain one’s physical body without work.

(15) This is interesting. Another little “correction.” But Srila Prabhupada heard the original verse many times and never requested that it be “corrected…”

“Perform your prescribed duty, for action is better than inaction. A man cannot even maintain his physical body without work.”

Prabhupada: Krsna never said that “You sit down, lazy.” You must work. And that is intelligence, how to engage a person in some work. That requires governing body. That is intelligence. They should be ready to work, and your intelligence will engage them. And there is sufficient. Why you are constructing so many centers? There is enough work to do. Just like here. All people are coming, and each one can be preached, each one can be convinced of the philosophy. (770121r2.bhu)

There is no indication anywhere that Srila Prabhupada was not satisfied with the original translation AS IT IS…


Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain unattached and free from bondage.


Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work causes bondage in this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always remain free from bondage.

(16) Why has Jayadvaita removed the fact one who always performs his prescribed duties for Krishna remains unattached?

Did Prabhuapda request this change? Was he unhappy with the original translation??

Sudama: Verse number nine: “Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world. Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform prescribed duties for His satisfaction and in that way you will always remain unattached and free from bondage.”

Prabhupada: Yes. Bondage means working for one’s own account. The same example. Just like a soldier is fighting for the country under the command of the commander in chief. The more he’s killing, he’s getting promotion, he’s getting medals. But the same man, when he comes back at home, if he kills one man, he’s hanged. Why? Because that killing and this killing is not the same thing. So one who cannot engage himself cent percent in Krsna consciousness, let him remain in his own position and try to sacrifice for Visnu or Krsna as far as possible. (681223BG.LA)

Once again, no hint anywhere that Srila Prabhupada was not happy with the original translation…


Even Kings like Janaka and others attained the perfectional stage by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work.


Kings such as Janaka attained perfection solely by performance of prescribed duties. Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in general, you should perform your work.

(17) A few little edits…


…because he was the king of Mithila… he had to teach his subjects how to fight righteously in battle. He and his subjects fought to teach people in general that violence is also necessary in a situation where good arguments fail.


…because he was the king of Mithila… he had to teach his subjects how to perform prescribed duties. Lord Krsna and Arjuna, the Lord’s eternal friend, had no need to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but they fought to teach people in general that violence is also necessary in a situation where good arguments fail.

(18) Interesting…


But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly, are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and doomed to ignorance and bondage.


But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not follow them, are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and ruined in their endeavors for perfection.

(19) So Jayadvaita has made it a little different. But did Prabhuapda ask for the change? NO! He PERSONALLY quoted the original verse AS IT IS!!

Tamala Krsna: Thirty-two: “But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly are to be considered bereft of all knowledge, befooled, and doomed to ignorance and bondage.”

Prabhupada: Yes. If somebody says, “Oh, why shall I serve God?” all right, then you shall have to serve dog. That’s all. Therefore he is befooled. He does not know that he has to serve somebody. His constitutional position is like that. He cannot escape. So therefore if he denies to serve God, Krsna, then he has to serve maya, illusion, in the hope that “I have become the master.”

Just like in your country the President Johnson was the master. Actually, he was not the master; he was the servant of the country. Now the country has dismissed him. He is no longer master. So our mastership in this material world is like that. Actually, we are servant, but we are thinking master. In a family, I am servant of my wife, I am servant of my children, I am servant of my servants, but I am thinking I am master. “I am master of this family. I am master of this country. I am master of this society.” Nobody is master.

The Caitanya-caritamrta says, therefore, “The master is only Krsna.” Ekale isvara krsna ara saba bhrtya: “Only Krsna, or God, is master, and everyone is servant.” Yare yaiche nacaya se taiche kare nrtya: “Each servant is dancing according to the order of the Supreme.” That’s all. Nobody is master. So this false conception of becoming master is called maya, illusion. Nobody is master. Therefore one who disagrees to become servant of God, he is befooled. It is said, “But those who, out of envy…” He is constitutionally servant, but he is envious: “Why shall I become God’s servant? I shall become God.” You see? Everyone is claiming, “Oh, everyone is God. Why? What is the use of becoming servant of God? I am God.” This is enviousness. So if one refuses to serve God and become envious, “disregard these teachings and do not practice them regularly are to be considered bereft of all knowledge.” Because he is servant, but he is thinking, “I am master. I am not serving anyone.” This is maya, bereft of all knowledge. Go on.

Where is the hint Srila Prabhupada wanted Jayadvaita to changed the translation he heard from Tamala Krsna and then even quotes himself in his explanation? There is no AUTHORITY from Srila Prabhupada to change this verse at all. Srila Prabhupada clearly accepts the original translation AS IT IS

Srila Prabhupada’s Original 1972 Bhagavad-gita As It Is is available at:


and you can purchase cases at the wholesale price at:


Chant Hare Krishna and be happy.

Your servant, Madhudvisa dasa.

98 thoughts on “108 ISKCON Bhagavad Gita Changes

    1. admin
      September 8, 2009 at 5:17 am

      Dear Sri Goloka Prabhu

      Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhuapda!

      Srila Prabhuapda’s original Bhagavad-gita 2.25 translation you refer to is:

      It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable and unchangeable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.

      Here is the manuscript page, typed personally by Srila Prabhuapda, according to Jayadvaita Swami.

      You will see that the original editor follows Srila Prabhupada’s translation. Simply putting it into correct English.

      But our “overintelligent” Jayadvaita Swami has decided that Prabhuapda was wrong and that Prabhupada should not have included the word “immutable” and he has simply deleted Prabhuapda’s word. Thinking it to be redundant…

      This is a great mistake Prabhu. Prabhupada has given the two words, unchangable and immutable, his original Bhagavad-gita As It Is follows the manuscript and Jayadvaita makes the new edition quite different from the manuscript based on his own offensive concocted mental speculation that Srila Prabhuapda’s transcendental words are “redundant…”

      What would our Jayadvaita do with “hari nama hare nama hare nama eva kevalam.” Of course the JAS version would be just “hari nama eva kevalam,” because the other hari nama’s are redundant, right?

      Of course this is not right. There is a good reason for repeating something important to stress the importance of it.

      So Srila Prabhuapda has put the stress on unchangeable by adding the word immutable which strengthens the unchangableness of it. And our JAS has, of course changed it…..

      Actually the definition of mutable is the definition of the BBT editors:

      “given to changing; constantly changing; fickle or inconstant”

      So there is an aspect to immutable that is not in unchangeable. Immutable also means “consistent and not fickle.” So the word immutable strengthens and expands on the concept of unchangeable. It is not at all redundant as our foolish editor claims…

      Wake up Prabhu and read Srila Prabhuapda’s original books.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Your servant

      Madhudvisa dasa

  1. Hare Krishna…All Glories to His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the Vaishnava devotees.
    I feel the work you are doing here is very important.
    If its NOT broken don’t try and mend it….these books should never be meddled with!
    On my first reading of Srila Prabhupada’s book…i knew this was the truth and the reason for living…i could find no selfish motive in the written words of the author…this should never be lost!
    an aspiring servant,
    Madan Gopal das

  2. About the following change:
    “Bg 3.8 T ORIGINAL:
    Perform your prescribed duty, for action is better than inaction. One cannot even maintain HIS physical body without work.”

    Actually, changing “his” to “one´s” is a good idea, since the use of “his” is very confusing for non-English people. And it doesn´t change the meaning the slightest, does it?

    1. Hare Krishna Bhakta Mikael Prabhu

      Prabhupada’s English books are not written for non-English people. I imagine many English words are confusing for non-English people. So we are not going to edit Prabhupada’s English books to suit non-English people…

      Srila Prabhupada’s instruction is to not change anything. So it is not a good idea to change anything. The original translation is perfectly good (for English speaking people…)

      Please check out the new article: Srila Prabhuapda on Editing His Books You will see from this that Prabhuapda clearly instructed his editors not to change anything. So, unless there is a very good reason for it, that means there has to be some real problem with the original, then it is completely against the orders of Srila Prabhupada to change anything at all in his books.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  3. Hare Krsna!
    All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Disobedience to the order of the spiritual master is one of the offences, which destroys the devotional service… if Srila Prabhupada says “don´t change anything!”, that is the end of discussion… not a word to be changed. That´s it.

    In my insignificant opinion, anyone who is advocating the changes in whatever way is an offender as well.

    Thank you for your service Madhudvisa Prabhu! eyes and EARS need to be open.

    Hare Krsna

  4. This is ridiculous. I did not go through all of them, but going through the first few shocked me. It is indeed troublesome to see Prabhupada’s efficient system collapsing (truly regret not being born a little earlier to have his association). I’m just wondering what can be done.

    Hari bol.

  5. Dear friends

    Im neophyte to Krsna..I dont understand this discussion?
    Every word in Sríla Prabhupada (books-original) is transcendental.

    All glories to Bhagavad Gita ((((AS IT IS))))

    Chapter 18, TEXT 6

    etany api tu karmani
    sangam tyaktva phalani ca
    kartavyaniti me partha
    niscitam matam uttamam


    etani–all this; api–certainly; tu–must; karmani–activities; sangam–association; tyaktva–renouncing; phalani–results; ca–also; kartavyani–as duty; iti–thus; me–My; partha–O son of Prtha; niscitam–definite; matam–opinion; uttamam–the best.

    All these activities should be performed without any expectation of result. They should be performed as a matter of duty, O son of Prtha. That is My final opinion.


    Although all sacrifices are purifying, one should not expect any result by such performances. In other words, all sacrifices which are meant for material advancement in life should be given up, but sacrifices that purify one’s existence and elevate one to the spiritual plane should not be stopped. Everything that leads to Krsna consciousness must be encouraged. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam also it is said that any activity which leads to devotional service to the Lord should be accepted. That is the highest criterion of religion. A devotee of the Lord should accept any kind of work, sacrifice or charity which will help him in the discharge of devotional service to the Lord.

    Do we need changing anything here
    “help him in the discharge of devotional service to the Lord.”
    I dont understand this discussion
    Srí Krsna Haribol!

  6. Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada… It seems to be a rather concerning matter… I had no idea changes had been made to Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad Gita As It Is.. Is this the only book changes have been made to? Is Srimad Bhagavatam safe? Also, what is happening now with regard to all of this? Are the BBT considering your protest? Thank you, haribol..

  7. Hare Krishna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! It’s so distressing to see the changes made to Srila Prabhupada’s words and works. Is this the way to pay Srila Prabhupad for saving us from the hellish live we were destined for? How could JAS even find any fault with any of Srila Prabhupada’s words? English not good enough for readers…huh…wasn’t Prabhupada’s English was good enough to transform the misarable lives of the hippies to happies?

    Please let us have Srila Prabhupada’s original works without the unnecessary changes, for his words are the only true the nectar left capable of delivering us from this misarable conditional living.

    Thank you Madhudvisa Prabhu for your kindness. Hare Krsna.

  8. Dear Prabhus,

    Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and all Perfect Sons of God. All glories to assembled devotees, and all glories to Harinam Sankirtan.

    Re the book changes: What were they THINKING?

    Look at history, prabhus: First there was the Council at Nicea–they polluted The Bible with their nonsense, making up their own “rules” which allowed them to eat, drink, and be merry, thereby deceiving the citizens–and hoping of course that as time moved forward there’d be a whole new generation not even aware that there ever WAS a change.

    Disagree with them?

    Welcome to The Inquisition.

    Then there was King James with his “version” of The Bible. Guess he self-appointed himself the resident holy man of his day.

    And today, we have…

    a) “Good News For Modern Man” — that was an insult to the intelligence.

    b) This one’s the best of the lot–and I suppose it just had to happen: The Readers Digest version!

    So I guess it shouldn’t surprise us that the Gita was changed. Are we to forget that prior to Prabhupada’s arrival on these shores that NO version of the Gita–absolutely no version without exception, even BEGAN to make anyone a devotee of The Supreme Lord?

    Again…and with all respects and no offense intended…what were you guys thinking? It’s not you I’m criticizing, prabhus: it’s your behavior. May we please just back to basics and chill with the unnecessary debating?

  9. Dear Madhudvisa prabhu,
    Pamho. AgtSP.
    Srila Prabhupada gave us a process of complete surrender but a situation in ISKCON is making it bit more difficult. I feel disheartened
    to hear more and more about different forms of deviation from Srila Prabhupada. My shelter is my Gurumaharaja, who is also very strong SP’s defender and Srila Prabhupada’s books. But reading this shaking my faith. Am I trying to study Srila Prabhupada’s words or someone else’s???
    What edition of BG do you recommend to follow?
    All glories to your service!
    Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!
    ys Harinama

    1. Dear Harinama Prabhu

      Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

      The obvious answer to this Prabhu is to read the Bhagavad-gita that Srila Prabhupada himself read personally and gave all his classes from and accepted and approved of and did not ask anyone to “Revise and Enlarge” it.

      There is no question, Prabhupada’s original books are completely approved and authorized by Srila Prabhupada and completely potent. This is proven because they have made so many devotees of Krishna from people all over the world. If you make thousands of unauthorized changes the book is no longer authorized by Srila Prabhupada and it may not carry the potency of the original book.

      So please read Srila Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is… You can read online at:


      and you can purchase at:


      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Your servant

      Madhudvisa dasa

  10. Somehow I’m beginning to feel all this will culminate in tens of thousands of changes and eventually people losing faith in what once was solid ISKCON.
    I do not wish to be the prophet of doom for His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada, rather, I wish for this movement to never be abandoned by the mess we humans are.
    However, I’m beginning to get worried, and unless we (yes, I’m pointing to myself as well), start doing something about this, about taking steps to reunite ISKCON as it was during the times of Srila Prabhupada, it’ll be a disappointing state of affairs.

    I’m speaking without authority here, but whatever you do, everyone, remember what was said in the 4th chapter.

    paritranaya sadhunam
    vinasaya ca duskritam
    sambhavami yuge yuge

    Such miscreants, or duskritam, are described as foolish and the lowest of mankind, even though they may be decorated with mundane education, whereas a person who is one hundred percent engaged in Krishna consciousness is accepted as a sadhu, even though such a person may be neither learned nor well cultured.

    I guess what we could pick up from that is, desipte everything, do _not_ forget to chant Krsna’s holy names. Keep on doing it, keep on doing it, and then, anta-kale ca mam eva smaran muktva kalevaram yah prayati sa mad-bhavam yati nasty atra samsayah.

  11. Even the ebooks available from krishna.com are tampered – I just checked and found that the first two changes quoted above have even been done in the ebook of Bhagavad Gita As It Is. I wonder if there is an untampered version of the ebook that I can read. Also, at this rate I suspect that the ebooks of Srimad Bhagavatam available from the same website are also tampered.
    This is a big problem for those who read Srila Prabhupada’s books more in electronic than paper form. Thank You for pointing this out.

  12. I’ve just sat down wih my copy of the Bhagavad Gita and started to annotate the changes. While I think some are of little concern others are very concerning. The main issue I see is that ISKON are seen as the ‘authority’ who’s publications people will read in good faith and accept as accurate.

    If changes are made with no record or reference to what and why then we’re risking allowing progressive, minor changes that in a few generations will be leagues away from those Prabhupada gave us.

    Therefore I of course commend your good work in highlighting this matter your site. Prabhupada encouraged us to be scientific and intelligent in our study and your site helps us in that.

  13. You are right Prabhu, the rascal changes are everywhere. So we can understand that using Srila Prabhupadas Lotus words we can understand that here in the material world “we are condemned”! Unfortunately Maya don’t let us to understand this basic fact, and just start to pray like a mad man for the mercy of the only One, who may help us here. But how to make our stone like heart crying for help? I can’t for so many years! I want to thank all the Great Prabhus who though humble and unrecognized, often misunderstood and bullied, are showing us what is the prise for getting pure mercy, which if not guarded like dearmost treasure, will be taken away from us by the evil people in dress of Vaishnavas.

  14. I agree with Madhudvisa dasa 100%, nothing can insist to any one to do the changes in Prabhupada’s words. in fact when he has established the temples in all over the world and preach the world with the same explanations. then why their is a need to change his word now? when ISKCON is already blooming. I become a representative of a scientific world strictly oppose any kind of change in the Prabhupada’s text.

  15. thanks for the information, i just bought the new and revised edition in the pune iskcon center. It ticks me off that there are so many unauthorized changes made to prabhupadas original work.
    I will be on the lookout for the original unedited edition.

  16. All glories to Prabhupada- I am quite shocked that the original has been changed. I read the first quarter and now I think I need to get my hands on an original copy. Is the Krishna Book as it was or has that been edited too?

  17. Jayadvaita Swami must be crazy. There is no other explanation to all of this. Madness pure!

  18. Haribol!
    Al glories to Shrila Prabhupade

    After reading such interesting comparason between the original version of the Bhagavad Gita and the “Correction” made by Jayadvaita. I can understand now why it is so difficult once a while to speak a simple verse translate in to french. The english translation was a treachery! Prabhupade made it simple and AS IT IS, so why it is so difficult to follow his exemple. I would like to receive the Bhagavad Gita,As it is write by Shrila Prabhupade, that I don’t loose the real message of Krishna. Thank you ! Hare KRishna ! bhakta Gabriel for 30 years now.

  19. I guess Jayadvaita’s revisions were authorized by GBC? Did they bother to compare them, or are they still reading?

    I see this as an offense to Srila Prabhupada, a pure devotee, seeing him as an ordinary person and making all those mistakes. I read somewhere in Srimad Bhagavatam that pure devotees are being followed by their disciples even if they seemed to be wrong. It’s an arrangement of Krishna, otherwise why would we consider Srila Prabhupada as a pure devotee, if don’t follow him.

    The thing is that English language is not a perfect language, we should base our understanding on Srila Prabhupada’s purport, only then we can really understand the meaning of every verse.

    So, it looks like it’s not anymore Bhagavad-Gita as it is, but Bhagavad-Gita JS Version

  20. Hare Krsna:

    I wanted to ask you about original Bhagvad Gita — written by Prabhupada.

    Is the same available at Iskon Juhu (Mumbai – India). How to recognise that Bhagvad Gita is original?

    I saw now a days that they have changed front cover page…etc is that Original one…?

    1. Hare Krishna Chetan

      Srila Prabhuapda’s Original Bhagavad-gita As It Is is the “COMPLETE EDITION”

      ISKCON’s new version is called “THE REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION”

      The Indian BBT have printed Prabhupada’s origianal gita and it is available from the Mumbai BBT. But they may not have it on display in the temple… If you ask them for Prabhuapda’s origianal Gita they should be able to give it to you. It looks like the photo of the book at http://www.asitis.com

      1. hare krishna prabhuji…
        i’m worried… i dont have the coverpage as the one u posted in the above reply… and few days back i got 2 bhagavad gita as it is for my friends from iskcon temple… they varied in thickness… but the cover page, length and breadth were same… i dont wanted to confuse myself.. so i distributed it undoubtedly.. its written bhagavad gita as itis.. second edition… revised and enlarged… now wat i’m suppose to do… go for the original one or continue reading this??

  21. Hare Krsna

    BBT has to stop publishing revised version of books which were written by Srila Prabhupada…

    Something has to be done to stop this revised addition…or else it will spread all over the world…

    Hope something would be done soon for the sake of devotees who are not aware about revised addtion.

  22. Jai Srila Prabhupada. Hare krishna

    You are doing a very commendable work. keep it up.Prabhupada mission can never be vanquished.It is bound to grow despite this temporary disturbance.Spread the word. i would request you or any one who has good writing skills to write an article on this and get it publish by IRM.

    Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada

  23. This Kartik In Vrindavan, I Purchased Thirty Copies of Mc-Millan 1972 Bhagavad Gita Printed By BBT From ISKCON Godown Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir Vrindavan For Distribution in Dec 2010. I do not know how they are having it in their godowns in Vrindavan.They Charged Me Rs 140/- each English.However Krishna Books Which Printed The Bhagavad Gita As It Is I got From Ras Bihari Lal and Sons For Rs 150/-. There is a difference in Size and Thickness of both.

    But to me it seems that Mc-Millan Gita is more Authentic in Commentary and Translation while as Krishna Books Printed Gita has genuine Color Plates.

    This Year’s 2010 Marathon Gita has considerable changes, In Terms of Front Cover and The Second Edition Only Printed as opposed to Revised & Enlarged Second Edition in the Older Gita of 2009 I saw it with my own eyes in Delhi Temple on 05-Dec-2010 and hence refused to distribute them. The Price is Rs 110/- for English and Rs 80/- For Hindi. His Holiness G K G Maharaj GBC, Diksha Guru,Chairman and BBT Trustee was singing as to how Sri Sri Radhaparthasarathi Temple Delhi was setting a Target of 4 Lakhs Gita This Dec-2010 month.

    Pity the Fool who is going to waste his time, energy in distributing The Useless Gita’s full of changes.

    Aniruddha Dasa

  24. This is ridiculous, nobody can change what is translated by Prabhupad,
    in fact the translations have murdered the actual transcendental meaning of gita that links one sloke to the other in form of a chain of transcendental understanding, any realized soul in Krishna consciousness can see the pristene translations of prabhupad as compaired the unauthorised changes are two worlds’s apart, the spiritual understanding and material flaws polluted in it it is a very sorry time for Iskcon you are heading towards destruction.it is best to get back on the gita translations by bhakti vinod takur, the top order of vaishnavas must immediately correct it again and bring the gita back to its original luster and see that such dirty game is not played any more by neophytes acting as elevated devotees , or soon you will see , that you have shifted so much from his original preachings that it will be difficult to get back and soon you will find there is no more of vaishnaivaism practiced in iskcon only a mentally concocted religion practiced in the name of vaishnaivism, really maya is so so strong.ISKCON WILL BE FULLY DESTROYED LIKE THIS BY YOUR OWN AUDACITY UNTIL OF COURSE our senior order of vaishnavas take fundamentally corrective steps.ONE MORE VERY IMPORTANT THING STOP PUBLISHING ANY MORE BOOKS OTHER THAN THAT WHICH IS WRITTEN BY PRABHUPAD THAT IS SUFFICIENT, leaving off course the biographies of ensuing devotees nothing else need to be published.

  25. Dear Madhudvisa Prabhu! Please accept my most humble obeiances!
    The are many divisions now amongst the Krishna Bhaktas, many of us(me certainly) are at least sometimes very much confused. Especially about the Guru issue. But You got the point! It is all about the śabda brahman, all about The Transcendental Sound vibrated by the Lotus Mouth of the Divine Devotee, Person Bhagavat, who gives for us the cream of the Book Bhagavat,even more sweet that it was already, but yet unchanged since still being from the Realm of Krishnas Trancendental Abode. Srila Prabhupada came certainly to give us the Books, we can’t let the BBTI mice (..be mouse again!)to shred them. We have to mouse them instead, like You Prabhu are doing! The need for this is immense!

  26. Hope in 2011, all devotees will get all Original (Unedited) books of Srila Prabhupada…and more and more people become devotee of Lord Krsna…

  27. I am planning to get one of these copies. Was there further update to the latest copy of Bhagavad Gita As It is or should I just search for the old version of the book and buy that ?

  28. Hare Krsna Madhudvisa Prabhu. I had a couple of questions, and was wondering if you could answer them. Now it is clear that Jayadvaita swami is obfuscating the truth, when he talks about ‘original manuscript’. As you have put it, it is a draft, and not even the final draft. If it was the final draft, then it would correspond exactly with the published 1972 edition wouldnt it. Obviously macmillan themselves didnt make any changes, they simply printed, to the manuscript which was submitted must have been so by Srila Prabhupadas approval and consent. so then why cant the original editor of Srila Prabhupada, hayagriva Prabhu, make a statement once and for all, stating that the 1972 macmillan edition is the actual one that Srila Prabhupada approved, and also that the one that jayadvaita swami is claiming as original manuscript is in fact just another early draft?

    1. Hare Krishna Sriyas

      Fortunately for Jayadviata Hayagriva Prabhu died many years ago.

      But when JAS came up with the idea of making a few corrections to the Bhagavad-gita and presented this idea to Hayagriva he was not against it and helped JAS by providing some of the original drafts, etc, for JAS to work from. This was very soon after Srila Prabhupada left his body. And JAS as always was just talking about making a few small corrections…

      However in 1982 when the “Revised and Enlarged Edition” was printed Hayagriva was horrified with the changes and protested very vocally, in those days only the zonal acaryas had any say in ISKCON, so Hayagriva protested through Kirtananda, he was staying at New Vrindavan at the time.

      So Kirtanananda was the first devotee to bring the ‘book changes’ issue to light just after the “Revised and Enlarged” edition was printed. So Hayagriva Prabhu, the editor chosen by Srila Prabhupada for the Bhagavad-gita As It Is very strongly disagreed with the changes made by JAS. This was a big thing at the time and Kirtananda made a presentation to the GBC about the book changes and wrote a paper about it but in time and with the death of Hayagriva it was forgotten until we again brought the book changes issue to the notice of the devotees around 1996.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  29. Hare Krishna! PAMHO Madhudvisa Prabhu, and thank you for taking the time out to reply in detail, I am internally satisfied that atleast I know that Hayagriva Prabhu vehemently protested all these unauthorized changes. Please allow me to ask you a few more questions because of your expertise in all these matters. 1) this article says 108 changes, but I see only 19 examples listed. I know the complete html list exists as a seperate article, but I would really like this list to be 108, because this format Iis more attractive and your comments and observations are there too. This list only goes upto the 4th chapter and stops. Question 2) there is the preface and the introduction of 30pages, and that has not been included in the side by side comparison. We know that 1972 preface had Macmillan and co reference by Prabhupada that has been deleted in the 1986 version. So are there further changesIin the 30page intro between the 2 editions? Question 3) I am very shocked and it was very telling to read your 2004 account of assault by jayadvaita swami. Did he really punch and kick you Prabhu??! Have you met him since, its been almost 10 years, so if you have could you describe if anything that transpired. Question 4) please tell us the difference between the editions of bbt and kbi, krishna books inc. I read in an above comment regarding the difference in the color plates, and also one volume being thicker than the other. I would really like your expert comment on both these 1972 editions that are in print. Question 5) what is the software program usedto mark the side by side differences, Iits pretty cool, did you write the code for it yourself? Question 6) what is the reason that the vedabase folio 2003 has the original 1968 and 1972 editions in there, and the vedabase 2011 does not? Is it not rather silly? Question 7) can you talk more about the million dollar cost to the bbt in the lawsuit that they finally lost? Your comments on that whole ugly mess. Thank you for your attention Prabhuji. Much obliged.

    1. Hare Krishna Prabhu

      I really do not have so much time for so many questions. Better if you just ask what is really important.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  30. Question 8) there is some confusion in my mind regarding the color plates in the 1972 edition. Some are saying that in the first printing all those years ago, the total was 52 plates. In the krishna store if I recall correctly it says 48 plates in color. So what is the reality Prabhuji?

    1. Hare Krishna Sriyas

      The 1972 Macmillan printing of the “Complete Edition” of Srila Prabhupada’s Bhagavad-gita As It Is contains 48 color plates. That is 44 paintings plus four photos of Srila Prabhupada and the disciplic succession. So 48 is the correct number.

      Before the “Complete Edition” was published in 1972 there was the “Abridged Edition” also published by Macmillan which in the beginning had very few color plates but at one point may have had 52. There are a few extra color plates that appeared in some of the Abridged edition printings that are not in the 1972 “Complete Edition”. But 48 color plates is the correct number.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  31. Hare Krsna Madhudvisa Prabhu. Thank you for your detailed answer, it is your expertise in this field that makes me want to learn from your years of churning these topics. If you werent there, then would so many of us aware of all these matters concerning the unauthorized editions? Perhaps not. This is why I ask so many questions, because I want to take advantage while I am still here on earth, to learn more and be more attached to KC. Ok let me ask one question for today. I will respect your wishes and only ask a few questions, and that too not at once! Like I mentioned above, there are 19 changes listed out of the 108. Could you please talk on why the remaining sample changes from chaper 4 onwards are not coming forth?

    1. Because it makes me physically ill to see what Jayadvaita has done to Prabhupada’s books. I can not stand even thinking about it. But if you can not see what is happening by the few samples I have given then I do not know what to say. What I have given is just a few samples, there are hundreds and hundreds more, but it makes me ill to just think about it. There is enough information on https://www.bookchanges.com to convince any person, that is all that is required.

  32. Hare Krsna! Respected Madhudvisa Prabhu, is the compact/ thin bible paper edition available in india? The shipping from abroad will be too expensive. If you have any contacts in india who have this compact bg edition, I could then credit their accountwith the cost plus shipping and could fedex the shipment. Please could you tell me who to contact? My email is shriyash_21 (at) yahoo (dot) com I am really anxious for this edition ss it is very portable. I checked in rasbiharilal and sons of loi bazaar in vrindavan and they didnt have it.

    1. Hare Krishna Prabhu

      There is no such thing as “Prabhupada’s original books in Polish.” Prabhupada’s original books are in English and while it is very important to have translations of all of Prabhupada’s books available and distributed in all the languages of the world a translation will never be the original book. And if the foreign language speaking devotees really want to read Prabhupada’s original books then they should learn English, that is the only way they will be able to read Prabhupada’s original books. Because the original books are in English…

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  33. Hare Krishna Prabhu , PAMHO , AGTSP !!

    Please advise me if it is better to read the books printed in Hindi , or have they been changed too ?

    1. Hare Krishna Saurabh

      Jayadviata has had virtually all the foreign editions of Bhagavad-gita As It Is retranslated from his “New Revised and Enlarged” edition. So they are all changed these days. But even if it is a translation from the original book it is still not as good as reading the original in English.

      Prabhupada wrote his books in English so if we want to read Prabhupada’s original books we have to read them in English.

      So it is always best to read Prabhupada’s original English books. Even if you have to learn English to do this it is worth it.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  34. Prabhupada engaged Hayagriva to edit his books because he was an English professor. Jayadwaita was a high school dropout. Any questions?

  35. check allegro, must be hardbound 1st edition, 1981, and ask the seller this Q: “how does verse 2.13 sounds?”
    The very 1st edition of BhG in polish had term “self-realized person” used. Price is quite high comparing to other editions.

  36. I am in total shock on the number of corrections and how they were done on Bhagavad gita As It Is. I could justify small cosmetic corrections on the text but this is very worrying. What are these leaders up to? Is Kali Yuga so devastating? Would Srila Prabhupada be welcome in ISKCON if he was to come today? What will be of us if we takes shelter of people that think they can take his place and twist his teaching? I am sure Lord Krishna will always protect us but we need to be very careful and preserve the work of Srila Prabhupada as he meant it to be. To change even one concept as he intended it is a huge offense and a spiritual disaster that can create havoc in the spiritual life of thousands of people and can make the wrong difference for the very world. ISKCON is Srila Prabhupada himself and trying to snatch his Movement from him by alteration of his pure and just perfect teachings is unthinkable. Thank you for preserving the original work of Srila Prabhupada.

  37. I am in shock to see that this Jayadvaita ‘so called swami’ has become so arrogant that he thinks he knows better than his Guru, Srila Prabhupada. I have read the before and after versions carefully and am astounded how the majority of these ‘edits’ completely alter the meaning. He needs to go back to square one, and retrace his steps to find out where and when he went so far astray.

    Today I went online to catch up on all the latest Iskcon squabbling over temple property, each side accusing the other of being ‘mafia’, ‘child molestors’, etc. This in itself made me incredibly sad, but then I read that the words of Prabhupada were also being changed. This is beyond belief! Just when I think I’ve witnessed the pinnacle of monumental arrogance and self absorption, I find there’s even more.

  38. Prabhu, there are so many editions on the marked, big ones, small ones, with sanskrit, without sanskrit…
    please tell me, from all of them, which ones are like Prabhupada’s original and which ones are not. I do want to read the one Prabhupada wrote and also that is the one I want to distribute to others. So please tell me the correct editions. Thanks so much. Hare Krsna

    1. Hare Krishna Ramaniya Prabhu

      The correct edition, Srila Prabhupada’s actual Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is the “Complete Edition” as published by Macmillan in 1972. This book is printed both by the BBT in India and also by Krishna Books Inc. So you may be able to get Prabhupada’s original Bhagavad-gita As It Is form the BBT if you specifically ask them for it and demand that they give it to you. They do not like to distribute it but they do print it for ISKCON Bangalore.

      You can purchase for KrishnaStore.com

      Individual copies: http://krishnastore.com/bhagavad-gita-as-it-is-compact-1972-complete-edition-h-krishna-1039.html

      Wholesale cases: http://krishnastore.com/bhagavadgita-as-it-is-wholesale-case-of-20-h-krishna-1034.html

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  39. Did anyone notice the glaringly obvious error made by Jayadvaita Swami? See the excerpt below.It should be WERE not WHERE! How was this not caught? And people wonder why I am no longer affiliated with ISKCON! And they think they can ‘correct’ the words of a pure devotee when they are not even capable of basic spelling! What neophytes! What arrogance!!! Accomplished scholars indeed!!!
    Latika d.d.

    Jayadvaita Swami, who radically changed ISKCON’s Gita in the early 80’s without any authorization from Srila Prabhupada, says in a note in the Revised & Enlarged edition (1983 printing):

    “…the Sanskrit editors WHERE by now accomplished scholars. And now they were able to see their way through perplexities in the manuscript by consulting the same Sanskrit commentaries Srila Prabhupada consulted when writing Bhagavad-gita As It Is.”

    1. Hare Krishna Latika d.d.

      Actually that is my mistake, I am very sorry, I did not copy it correctly from the book. Jayadvaita is not a great Sanskrit scholar but he does know the difference between where and were…

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  40. In time to come more book will be adjust to suite the mentality of the people. Prabhupada, said in one of his lecture, that all devotee are not devotee you have to look at there back ground. The face is the in-deck of the mind. i think only a few people understand this. Hare Krsna

  41. Hare Krishna Madhudvisa dasa Prabhu:

    I am so sad and angry to know about these unauthorized and unnecessary changes! How can they insult Prabhupada in this way! I am so grateful that you and your team have researched on this for the benefit of others, so please accept my obeisances at your feet.

    I live in Mexico and i just checked some examples of the list with the translation into spanish which was made in 1972 and that Srila Prabhupada himself approved and they are according to the original Gita. However i would rather read it in English As it is.

    Do you have shipments to Mexico and are they safe? I mean, do they arrive in time? Is there another method of payment besides credit card?, because i dont have one.

    All glories to Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada and his true followers!

    1. Hare Krishna Daniel

      Yes. It is best to read Srila Prabhupada’s original books in English, while the translations are very important for those who can not read the English if we are really seriously wanting to study the teachings of Srila Prabhupada it is best to learn English and study Srila Prabhupada’s original books in English.

      We can send from http://www.Krishnastore.com to Mexico and things arrive in Mexico also 99% of the time. We accept credit cards and paypal. So you can sign up for a free account at http://www.paypal.com If for some reason it does not arrive we can send it again. But generally we do not have any problems sending books to Mexico.

      You should also be able to purchase pre-paid debit cards there. You pay the money up front and they give you a card with that money loaded on it. And these pre-paid cards work just like credit or debit cards.

      Chant Hare Krishna and be happy!

      Madhudvisa dasa

  42. Thank you, Madhuvisa Prabhu for taking the time to correct the prevailing situation. I totally accept everything you have said. May you be successful in your mission. All glories to your service.

  43. I forgot to click on the ‘notify me of followup comments via e-mail’. Thank you, Prabhus.

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