2 Bg 3: Karma-yoga
4 Chapter 3
6 Karma-yoga
8 Bg 3.1
10 TEXT 1
14 Arjuna said: O Janardana, O Kesava, why do You want to
> engage me in this ghastly warfare, if You think that
> intelligence is better than fruitive work?
18 The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna has very
> elaborately described the constitution of the soul in the
> previous chapter, with a view to delivering His intimate
> friend Arjuna from the ocean of material grief. And the
> path of realization has been recommended: buddhi-yoga, or
> Krsna consciousness. Sometimes Krsna consciousness is
> misunderstood to be inertia, and one with such a
> misunderstanding often withdraws to a secluded place to
> become fully Krsna conscious by chanting the holy name of
> Lord Krsna. But without being trained in the philosophy of
> Krsna consciousness, it is not advisable to chant the holy
> name of Krsna in a secluded place, where one may acquire
> only cheap adoration from the innocent public. Arjuna also
> thought of Krsna consciousness or buddhi-yoga, or
> intelligence in spiritual advancement of knowledge, as
> something like retirement from active life and the practice
> of penance and austerity at a secluded place. In other
> words, he wanted to skillfully avoid the fighting by using
> Krsna consciousness as an excuse. But as a sincere student,
> he placed the matter before his master and questioned Krsna
> as to his best course of action. In answer, Lord Krsna
> elaborately explained karma-yoga, or work in Krsna
> consciousness, in this Third Chapter.
20 Bg 3.2
22 TEXT 2
26 My intelligence is bewildered by Your equivocal
> instructions. Therefore, please tell me decisively which
> will be most beneficial for me.
30 In the previous chapter, as a prelude to the Bhagavad-gita,
> many different paths were explained, such as sankhya-yoga,
> buddhi-yoga, control of the senses by intelligence, work
> without fruitive desire, and the position of the neophyte.
> This was all presented unsystematically. A more organized
> outline of the path would be necessary for action and
> understanding. Arjuna, therefore, wanted to clear up these
> apparently confusing matters so that any common man could
> accept them without misinterpretation. Although Krsna had
> no intention of confusing Arjuna by any jugglery of words,
> Arjuna could not follow the process of Krsna consciousness-
> either by inertia or by active service. In other words, by
> his questions he is clearing the path of Krsna
> consciousness for all students who seriously want to
> understand the mystery of the Bhagavad-gita.
32 Bg 3.3
34 TEXT 3
38 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O sinless Arjuna,
> I have already explained that there are two classes of men
> who try to realize the self. Some are inclined to
> understand it by empirical, philosophical speculation, and
> others by devotional service.
42 In the Second Chapter, verse 39, the Lord explained two
> kinds of procedures-namely sankhya-yoga and karma-yoga, or
> buddhi-yoga. In this verse, the Lord explains the same more
> clearly. Sankhya-yoga, or the analytical study of the
> nature of spirit and matter, is the subject matter for
> persons who are inclined to speculate and understand things
> by experimental knowledge and philosophy. The other class
> of men work in Krsna consciousness, as it is explained in
> the 61st verse of the Second Chapter. The Lord has
> explained, also in the 39th verse, that by working by the
> principles of buddhi-yoga, or Krsna consciousness, one can
> be relieved from the bonds of action; and, furthermore,
> there is no flaw in the process. The same principle is more
> clearly explained in the 61st verse-that this buddhi-yoga
> is to depend entirely on the Supreme (or more specifically,
> on Krsna), and in this way all the senses can be brought
> under control very easily. Therefore, both the yogas are
> interdependent, as religion and philosophy. Religion
> without philosophy is sentiment, or sometimes fanaticism,
> while philosophy without religion is mental speculation.
> The ultimate goal is Krsna, because the philosophers who
> are also sincerely searching after the Absolute Truth come
> in the end to Krsna consciousness. This is also stated in
> the Bhagavad-gita. The whole process is to understand the
> real position of the self in relation to the Superself. The
> indirect process is philosophical speculation, by which,
> gradually, one may come to the point of Krsna consciousness;
> and the other process is directly connecting with
> everything in Krsna consciousness. Of these two, the path
> of Krsna consciousness is better because it does not depend
> on purifying the senses by a philosophical process. Krsna
> consciousness is itself the purifying process, and by the
> direct method of devotional service it is simultaneously
> easy and sublime.
44 Bg 3.4
46 TEXT 4
50 Not by merely abstaining from work can one achieve freedom
> from reaction, nor by renunciation alone can one attain
> perfection.
54 The renounced order of life can be accepted when one has
> been purified by the discharge of the prescribed form of
> duties which are laid down just to purify the hearts of
> materialistic men. Without purification, one cannot attain
> success by abruptly adopting the fourth order of life (
> sannyasa). According to the empirical philosophers, simply
> by adopting sannyasa, or retiring from fruitive activities,
> one at once becomes as good as Narayana. But Lord Krsna
> does not approve this principle. Without purification of
> heart, sannyasa is simply a disturbance to the social order.
> On the other hand, if someone takes to the transcendental
> service of the Lord, even without discharging his
> prescribed duties, whatever he may be able to advance in
> the cause is accepted by the Lord (buddhi-yoga). Sv-
> alpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat. Even a
> slight performance of such a principle enables one to
> overcome great difficulties.
56 Bg 3.5
58 TEXT 5
62 Everyone is forced to act helplessly according to the
> qualities he has acquired from the modes of material nature;
> therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not
> even for a moment.
66 It is not a question of embodied life, but it is the nature
> of the soul to be always active. Without the presence of
> the spirit soul, the material body cannot move. The body is
> only a dead vehicle to be worked by the spirit soul, which
> is always active and cannot stop even for a moment. As such,
> the spirit soul has to be engaged in the good work of
> Krsna consciousness, otherwise it will be engaged in
> occupations dictated by illusory energy. In contact with
> material energy, the spirit soul acquires material modes,
> and to purify the soul from such affinities it is necessary
> to engage in the prescribed duties enjoined in the sastras.
> But if the soul is engaged in his natural function of Krsna
> consciousness, whatever he is able to do is good for him.
> The Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.5.17) affirms this:
68 tyaktva sva-dharmam caranambujam harer bhajann apakvo 'tha
> patet tato yadi yatra kva vabhadram abhud amusya kim ko
> vartha apto 'bhajatam sva-dharmatah
70 "If someone takes to Krsna consciousness, even though he
> may not
> service properly, and even though he
> may fall down from the standard, there is no loss or evil
> for him. But if he carries out all the injunctions for
> purification in the sastras, what does it avail him if he
> is not Krsna conscious?" So the purificatory
> process is necessary for reaching this point of Krsna
> consciousness. Therefore, sannyasa, or any purificatory
> process, is to help reach the ultimate goal of becoming
> Krsna conscious, without which everything is considered a
> failure.
72 Bg 3.6
74 TEXT 6
78 One who restrains the senses of action but
> whose mind dwells on sense objects certainly deludes
> himself and is called a pretender.
82 There are many pretenders who refuse to work in Krsna
> consciousness but make a show of meditation, while actually
> dwelling within the mind upon sense enjoyment. Such
> pretenders may also speak on dry philosophy in order to
> bluff sophisticated followers, but according to this verse
> these are the greatest cheaters. For sense enjoyment one
> can act in any capacity of the social order, but if one
> follows the rules and regulations of his particular status,
> he can make gradual progress in purifying his existence.
> But he who makes a show of being a yogi while actually
> searching for the objects of sense gratification must be
> called the greatest cheater, even though he sometimes
> speaks of philosophy. His knowledge has no value, because
> the effects of such a sinful man's knowledge are taken away
> by the illusory energy of the Lord. Such a pretender's mind
> is always impure, and therefore his show of yogic
> meditation has no value whatsoever.
84 Bg 3.7
86 TEXT 7
90 On the other hand, if a sincere person tries to
> control the active senses by the mind and begins karma-
> yoga [in Krsna consciousness] without
> attachment, he is by far superior.
94 Instead of becoming a pseudo transcendentalist for the sake
> of wanton living and sense enjoyment, it is far better to
> remain in one's own business and execute the purpose of
> life, which is to get free from material bondage and enter
> into the kingdom of God. The prime svartha-gati, or goal of
> self-interest, is to reach Visnu. The whole institution of
> varna and asrama is designed to help us reach this goal of
> life. A householder can also reach this destination by
> regulated service in Krsna consciousness. For self-
> realization, one can live a controlled life, as prescribed
> in the sastras, and continue carrying out his business
> without attachment, and in that way make progress. A
> sincere person who follows this method is far better
> situated than the false pretender who adopts show-bottle
> spiritualism to cheat the innocent public. A sincere
> sweeper in the street is far better than the charlatan
> meditator who meditates only for the sake of making a
> living.
96 Bg 3.8
98 TEXT 8
102 Perform your prescribed duty, for doing so is better than
> not working. One cannot even maintain one's physical
> body without work.
106 There are many pseudo meditators who misrepresent
> themselves as belonging to high parentage, and great
> professional men who falsely pose that they have sacrificed
> everything for the sake of advancement in spiritual life.
> Lord Krsna did not want Arjuna to become a pretender.
> Rather, the Lord desired that Arjuna perform his prescribed
> duties as set forth for ksatriyas. Arjuna was a householder
> and a military general, and therefore it was better for him
> to remain as such and perform his religious duties as
> prescribed for the householder ksatriya. Such activities
> gradually cleanse the heart of a mundane man and free him
> from material contamination. So-called renunciation for the
> purpose of maintenance is never approved by the Lord, nor
> by any religious scripture. After all, one has to maintain
> one's body and soul together by some work. Work should not
> be given up capriciously, without purification of
> materialistic propensities. Anyone who is in the material
> world is certainly possessed of the impure propensity for
> lording it over material nature, or, in other words, for
> sense gratification. Such polluted propensities have to be
> cleared. Without doing so, through prescribed duties, one
> should never attempt to become a so-called
> transcendentalist, renouncing work and living at the cost
> of others.
108 Bg 3.9
110 TEXT 9
114 Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed,
> otherwise work causes bondage in this material world.
> Therefore, O son of Kunti, perform your prescribed duties
> for His satisfaction, and in that way you will always
> remain free from bondage.
118 Since one has to work even for the simple maintenance of
> the body, the prescribed duties for a particular social
> position and quality are so made that that purpose can be
> fulfilled. Yajna means Lord Visnu, or sacrificial
> performances. All sacrificial performances also are meant
> for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu. The Vedas enjoin: yajno
> vai visnuh. In other words, the same purpose is served
> whether one performs prescribed yajnas or directly serves
> Lord Visnu. Krsna consciousness is therefore performance of
> yajna as it is prescribed in this verse. The varnasrama
> institution also aims at satisfying Lord Visnu.
> Varnasramacaravata purusena parah puman/
> visnur aradhyate (Visnu Purana 3.8.8). Therefore one
> has to work for the satisfaction of Visnu. Any other work
> done in this material world will be a cause of bondage, for
> both good and evil work have their reactions, and any
> reaction binds the performer. Therefore, one has to work in
> Krsna consciousness to satisfy Krsna (or Visnu); and while
> performing such activities one is in a liberated stage.
> This is the great art of doing work, and in the beginning
> this process requires very expert guidance. One should
> therefore act very diligently, under the expert guidance of
> a devotee of Lord Krsna, or under the direct instruction of
> Lord Krsna Himself (under whom Arjuna had the opportunity
> to work). Nothing should be performed for sense
> gratification, but everything should be done for the
> satisfaction of Krsna. This practice will not only save one
> from the reaction of work, but also gradually elevate
> one to transcendental loving service of the Lord, which
> alone can raise one to the kingdom of God.
120 Bg 3.10
122 TEXT 10
126 In the beginning of creation, the Lord of all creatures
> sent forth generations of men and demigods, along with
> sacrifices for Visnu, and blessed them by saying, "Be thou
> happy by this yajna [sacrifice] because its performance
> will bestow upon you everything desirable for living
> happily and achieving liberation."
130 The material creation by the Lord of creatures (Visnu) is a
> chance offered to the conditioned souls to come back home-
> back to Godhead. All living entities within the material
> creation are conditioned by material nature because of
> their forgetfulness of their relationship to Visnu, or
> Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Vedic
> principles are to help us understand this eternal relation,
> as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita: vedais ca sarvair
> aham eva vedyah. The Lord says that the purpose of the
> Vedas is to understand Him. In the Vedic hymns it is said:
> patim visvasyatmesvaram. Therefore, the Lord of the living
> entities is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. In
> the Srimad-Bhagavatam also (2.4.20) Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
> describes the Lord as pati in so many ways:
132 sriyah patir yajna-patih praja-patir dhiyam patir loka-
> patir dhara-patih patir gatis candhaka-vrsni-satvatam
> prasidatam me bhagavan satam patih
134 The praja-pati is Lord Visnu, and He is the Lord of all
> living creatures, all worlds, and all beauties, and the
> protector of everyone. The Lord created this material world
> to enable the conditioned souls to learn how to perform
> yajnas (sacrifices) for the satisfaction of Visnu, so that
> while in the material world they can live very comfortably
> without anxiety and after finishing the present material
> body they can enter into the kingdom of God. That is the
> whole program for the conditioned soul. By performance of
> yajna, the conditioned souls gradually become Krsna
> conscious and become godly in all respects. In the Age of
> Kali, the sankirtana-yajna (the chanting of the names of
> God) is recommended by the Vedic scriptures, and this
> transcendental system was introduced by Lord Caitanya for
> the deliverance of all men in this age. Sankirtana-yajna
> and Krsna consciousness go well together. Lord Krsna in His
> devotional form (as Lord Caitanya) is mentioned in the
> Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.32) as follows, with special
> reference to the sankirtana-yajna:
136 krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam yajnaih
> sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah
138 "In this Age of Kali, people who are endowed with
> sufficient intelligence will worship the Lord, who is
> accompanied by His associates, by performance of sankirtana-
> yajna." Other yajnas prescribed in the
> Vedic literatures are not easy to perform in this Age of
> Kali, but the sankirtana-yajna is easy and sublime for all
> purposes, as recommended in Bhagavad-gita also (9.14).
140 Bg 3.11
142 TEXT 11
146 The demigods, being pleased by sacrifices, will also please
> you, and thus, by cooperation between men and
> demigods, prosperity will reign for all.
150 The demigods are empowered administrators of material
> affairs. The supply of air, light, water and all other
> benedictions for maintaining the body and soul of every
> living entity is entrusted to the demigods, who are
> innumerable assistants in different parts of the body of
> the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Their pleasures and
> displeasures are dependent on the performance of yajnas by
> the human being. Some of the yajnas are meant to satisfy
> particular demigods; but even in so doing, Lord Visnu is
> worshiped in all yajnas as the chief beneficiary. It is
> stated also in the Bhagavad-gita that Krsna Himself is the
> beneficiary of all kinds of yajnas: bhoktaram yajna-tapasam.
> Therefore, ultimate satisfaction of the yajna-pati is
> the chief purpose of all yajnas. When these yajnas are
> perfectly performed, naturally the demigods in charge of
> the different departments of supply are pleased, and there
> is no scarcity in the supply of natural products.
152 Performance of yajnas has many side benefits, ultimately
> leading to liberation from material bondage. By
> performance of yajnas, all activities become purified, as
> it is stated in the Vedas:
154 ahara-suddhau sattva-suddhih sattva-suddhau
155 dhruva smrtih smrti-lambhe sarvagranthinam vipramoksah.
157 By
> performance of yajna one's eatables become sanctified, and
> by eating sanctified foodstuffs one's very existence
> becomes purified; by the purification of existence finer
> tissues in the memory become sanctified, and when memory is
> sanctified one can think of the path of liberation, and
> all these combined together lead to Krsna consciousness,
> the great necessity of present-day society.
159 Bg 3.12
161 TEXT 12
165 In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods,
> being satisfied by the performance of yajna [sacrifice],
> will supply all necessities to you. But he who enjoys such
> gifts without offering them to the demigods in return is
> certainly a thief.
169 The demigods are authorized supplying agents on behalf of
> the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu. Therefore, they
> must be satisfied by the performance of prescribed yajnas.
> In the Vedas, there are different kinds of yajnas
> prescribed for different kinds of demigods, but all are
> ultimately offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
> For one who cannot understand what the Personality of
> Godhead is, sacrifice to the demigods is recommended.
> According to the different material qualities of the
> persons concerned, different types of yajnas are
> recommended in the Vedas. Worship of different demigods is
> also on the same basis-namely, according to different
> qualities. For example, the meat-eaters are recommended to
> worship the goddess Kali, the ghastly form of material
> nature, and before the goddess the sacrifice of animals is
> recommended. But for those who are in the mode of goodness,
> the transcendental worship of Visnu is recommended. But
> ultimately all yajnas are meant for gradual promotion to
> the transcendental position. For ordinary men, at least
> five yajnas, known as panca-maha-yajna, are necessary.
171 One should know, however, that all the necessities of life
> that the human society requires are supplied by the demigod
> agents of the Lord. No one can manufacture anything. Take,
> for example, all the eatables of human society. These
> eatables include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, sugar,
> etc., for the persons in the mode of goodness, and also
> eatables for the nonvegetarians, like meats, none of
> which can be manufactured by men. Then again, take for
> example heat, light, water, air, etc., which are also
> necessities of life-none of them can be manufactured by the
> human society. Without the Supreme Lord, there can be no
> profuse sunlight, moonlight, rainfall, breeze, etc.,
> without which no one can live. Obviously, our life is
> dependent on supplies from the Lord. Even for our
> manufacturing enterprises, we require so many raw materials
> like metal, sulphur, mercury, manganese, and so many
> essentials-all of which are supplied by the agents of the
> Lord, with the purpose that we should make proper use of
> them to keep ourselves fit and healthy for the purpose of
> self-realization, leading to the ultimate goal of life,
> namely, liberation from the material struggle for existence.
> This aim of fife is attained by performance of yajnas. If
> we forget the purpose of human life and simply take
> supplies from the agents of the Lord for sense
> gratification and become more and more entangled in
> material existence, which is not the purpose of creation,
> certainly we become thieves, and therefore we are punished
> by the laws of material nature. A society of thieves can
> never be happy, because they have no aim in life. The gross
> materialist thieves have no ultimate goal of life. They are
> simply directed to sense gratification; nor do they have
> knowledge of how to perform yajnas. Lord Caitanya, however,
> inaugurated the easiest performance of yajna, namely the
> sankirtana-yajna, which can be performed by anyone in the
> world who accepts the principles of Krsna consciousness.
173 Bg 3.13
175 TEXT 13
179 The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of
> sins because they eat food which is offered first for
> sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense
> enjoyment, verily eat only sin.
183 The devotees of the Supreme Lord, or the persons who are in
> Krsna consciousness, are called santas, and they are always
> in love with the Lord as it is described in the Brahma-
> samhita (5.38): premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena
> santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti. The santas, being
> always in a compact of love with the Supreme Personality of
> Godhead, Govinda (the giver of all pleasures), or Mukunda (
> the giver of liberation), or Krsna (the all-attractive
> person), cannot accept anything without first offering it
> to the Supreme Person. Therefore, such devotees always
> perform yajnas in different modes of devotional service,
> such as sravanam, kirtanam, smaranam, arcanam, etc., and
> these performances of yajnas keep them always aloof from
> all kinds of contamination of sinful association in the
> material world. Others, who prepare food for self or sense
> gratification, are not only thieves but also the
> eaters of all kinds of sins. How can a person be happy if
> he is both a thief and sinful? It is not possible.
> Therefore, in order for people to become happy in all
> respects, they must be taught to perform the easy process
> of sankirtana-yajna, in full Krsna consciousness. Otherwise,
> there can be no peace or happiness in the world.
185 Bg 3.14
187 TEXT 14
191 All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are
> produced from rains. Rains are produced by performance of
> yajna [sacrifice], and yajna is born of prescribed duties.
195 Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana, a great commentator on the
> Bhagavad-gita, writes as follows:
197 ye indrady-angatayavasthitam yajnam
> sarvesvaram visnum abhyarcya tac-chesam asnanti tena
> tad deha-yatram sampadayanti, te santah sarvesvarasya
> yajna-purusasya bhaktah sarva-kilbisair anadi-kala-
> vivrddhair atmanubhava-prati bandhakair nikhilaih
> papair vimucyante.
199 The Supreme Lord, who is known as the yajna-purusa, or the
> personal beneficiary of all sacrifices, is the master of
> all the demigods, who serve Him as the different limbs of
> the body serve the whole. Demigods like Indra, Candra
> and Varuna are appointed officers who manage material
> affairs, and the Vedas direct sacrifices to satisfy these
> demigods so that they may be pleased to supply air, light
> and water sufficiently to produce food grains. When Lord
> Krsna is worshiped, the demigods, who are different limbs
> of the Lord, are also automatically worshiped; therefore
> there is no separate need to worship the demigods. For this
> reason, the devotees of the Lord, who are in Krsna
> consciousness, offer food to Krsna and then eat-a process
> which nourishes the body spiritually. By such action not
> only are past sinful reactions in the body vanquished, but
> the body becomes immunized to all contamination of material
> nature. When there is an epidemic disease, an antiseptic
> vaccine protects a person from the attack of such an
> epidemic. Similarly, food offered to Lord Visnu and then
> taken by us makes us sufficiently resistant to material
> affection, and one who is accustomed to this practice is
> called a devotee of the Lord. Therefore, a person in Krsna
> consciousness, who eats only food offered to Krsna, can
> counteract all reactions of past material infections, which
> are impediments to the progress of self-realization. On the
> other hand, one who does not do so continues to increase
> the volume of sinful action, and this prepares the next
> body to resemble hogs and dogs, to suffer the resultant
> reactions of all sins. The material world is full of
> contaminations, and one who is immunized by accepting
> prasadam of the Lord (food offered to Visnu) is saved from
> the attack, whereas one who does not do so becomes
> subjected to contamination.
201 Food grains or vegetables are factually eatables. The human
> being eats different kinds of food grains, vegetables,
> fruits, etc., and the animals eat the refuse of the food
> grains and vegetables, grass, plants, etc. Human beings who
> are accustomed to eating meat and flesh must also depend on
> the production of vegetation in order to eat the animals.
> Therefore, ultimately, we have to depend on the production
> of the field and not on the production of big factories.
> The field production is due to sufficient rain from the sky,
> and such rains are controlled by demigods like Indra, sun,
> moon, etc., and they are all servants of the Lord. The Lord
> can be satisfied by sacrifices; therefore, one who cannot
> perform them will find himself in scarcity-that is the law
> of nature. Yajna, specifically the sankirtana-yajna
> prescribed for this age, must therefore be performed to
> save us at least from scarcity of food supply.
203 Bg 3.15
205 TEXT 15
209 Regulated activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the
> Vedas are directly manifested from the Supreme Personality
> of Godhead. Consequently the all-pervading Transcendence is
> eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.
213 Yajnartha-karma, or the necessity of work for the
> satisfaction of Krsna only, is more expressly stated in
> this verse. If we have to work for the satisfaction of the
> yajna-purusa, Visnu, then we must find out the direction of
> work in Brahman, or the transcendental Vedas. The Vedas are
> therefore codes of working directions. Anything performed
> without the direction of the Vedas is called vikarma, or
> unauthorized or sinful work. Therefore, one should always
> take direction from the Vedas to be saved from the reaction
> of work. As one has to work in ordinary life by the
> direction of the state, one similarly has to
> work under direction of the supreme state of the Lord. Such
> directions in the Vedas are directly manifested from the
> breathing of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is said,
> asya mahato bhutasya nisvasitam etad yad rg-vedo yajur-
> vedah samavedo 'tharvangirasah. "The four
> Vedas-namely the Rg Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda, and
> Atharva Veda-are all emanations from the breathing of the
> great Personality of Godhead." (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 4.5.
> 11) The Lord, being omnipotent, can speak by breathing air,
> for as it is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, the Lord
> has the omnipotence to perform through each of His senses
> the actions of all other senses. In other words, the Lord
> can speak through His breathing, and He can impregnate by
> His eyes. In fact, it is said that He glanced over material
> nature and thus fathered all living entities. After
> creating or impregnating the conditioned souls into the
> womb of material nature, He gave His directions in the
> Vedic wisdom as to how such conditioned souls can return
> home, back to Godhead. We should always remember that the
> conditioned souls in material nature are all eager for
> material enjoyment. But the Vedic directions are so made
> that one can satisfy one's perverted desires, then return
> to Godhead, having finished his so-called enjoyment. It is
> a chance for the conditioned souls to attain liberation;
> therefore the conditioned souls must try to follow the
> process of yajna by becoming Krsna conscious. Even those
> who have not followed the Vedic injunctions may adopt the
> principles of Krsna consciousness, and that will take the
> place of performance of Vedic yajnas, or karmas.
215 Bg 3.16
217 TEXT 16
221 My dear Arjuna, one who does not follow in human
> life the cycle of sacrifice thus established by
> the Vedas certainly leads a life full of sin. Living only
> for the satisfaction of the senses, such a person
> lives in vain.
225 The mammonist philosophy of "work very hard and enjoy sense
> gratification" is condemned herein by the Lord. Therefore,
> for those who want to enjoy this material world, the above-
> mentioned cycle of performing yajnas is absolutely
> necessary. One who does not follow such regulations is
> living a very risky life, being condemned more and more. By
> nature's law, this human form of life is specifically meant
> for self-realization, in either of the three ways-namely
> karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, or bhakti-yoga. There is no
> necessity of rigidly following the performances of the
> prescribed yajnas for the transcendentalists who are above
> vice and virtue; but those who are engaged in sense
> gratification require purification by the above-mentioned
> cycle of yajna performances. There are different kinds of
> activities. Those who are not Krsna conscious are certainly
> engaged in sensory consciousness; therefore they need to
> execute pious work. The yajna system is planned in such a
> way that sensory conscious persons may satisfy their
> desires without becoming entangled in the reaction of sense-
> gratificatory work. The prosperity of the world depends not
> on our own efforts but on the background arrangement of the
> Supreme Lord, directly carried out by the demigods.
> Therefore, the yajnas are directly aimed at the particular
> demigods mentioned in the Vedas. Indirectly, it is the
> practice of Krsna consciousness, because when one masters
> the performance of yajnas one is sure to become Krsna
> conscious. But if by performing yajnas one does not become
> Krsna conscious, such principles are counted as only moral
> codes. One should not, therefore, limit his progress only
> to the point of moral codes, but should transcend them, to
> attain Krsna consciousness.
227 Bg 3.17
229 TEXT 17
233 But for one who takes pleasure in the self, whose
> human life is one of self-realization,
> and who is satisfied in the self only, fully satiated-for
> him there is no duty.
237 A person who is fully Krsna conscious, and is fully
> satisfied by his acts in Krsna consciousness, no longer has
> any duty to perform. Due to his being Krsna conscious, all
> impiety within is instantly cleansed, an effect of many,
> many thousands of yajna performances. By such clearing of
> consciousness, one becomes fully confident of his eternal
> position in relationship with the Supreme. His duty thus
> becomes self-illuminated by the grace of the Lord, and
> therefore he no longer has any obligations to the Vedic
> injunctions. Such a Krsna conscious person is no longer
> interested in material activities and no longer takes
> pleasure in material arrangements like wine, women and
> similar infatuations.
239 Bg 3.18
241 TEXT 18
245 A self-realized man has no purpose to fulfill in the
> discharge of his prescribed duties, nor has he any reason
> not to perform such work. Nor has he any need to depend on
> any other living being.
249 A self-realized man is no longer obliged to perform any
> prescribed duty, save and except activities in Krsna
> consciousness. Krsna consciousness is not inactivity either,
> as will be explained in the following verses. A Krsna
> conscious man does not take shelter of any person-man or
> demigod. Whatever he does in Krsna consciousness is
> sufficient in the discharge of his obligation.
251 Bg 3.19
253 TEXT 19
257 Therefore, without being attached to the fruits of
> activities, one should act as a matter of duty, for by
> working without attachment one attains the Supreme.
261 The Supreme is the Personality of Godhead for the devotees,
> and liberation for the impersonalist. A person, therefore,
> acting for Krsna, or in Krsna consciousness, under proper
> guidance and without attachment to the result of the work,
> is certainly making progress toward the supreme goal of
> life. Arjuna is told that he should fight in the Battle of
> Kuruksetra for the interest of Krsna because Krsna wanted
> him to fight. To be a good man or a nonviolent man is a
> personal attachment, but to act on behalf of the Supreme is
> to act without attachment for the result. That is perfect
> action of the highest degree, recommended by the Supreme
> Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna. Vedic rituals, like
> prescribed sacrifices, are performed for purification of
> impious activities that were performed in the field of
> sense gratification. But action in Krsna consciousness is
> transcendental to the reactions of good or evil work. A
> Krsna conscious person has no attachment for the result but
> acts on behalf of Krsna alone. He engages in all kinds of
> activities, but is completely nonattached.
263 Bg 3.20
265 TEXT 20
269 Kings such as Janaka attained perfection
> solely by performance of prescribed duties.
> Therefore, just for the sake of educating the people in
> general, you should perform your work.
273 Kings like Janaka were all self-realized souls;
> consequently they had no obligation to perform the
> prescribed duties in the Vedas. Nonetheless they performed
> all prescribed activities just to set examples for the
> people in general. Janaka was the father of Sita and
> father-in-law of Lord Sri Rama. Being a great devotee of
> the Lord, he was transcendentally situated, but because he
> was the king of Mithila (a subdivision of Bihar province in
> India), he had to teach his subjects how to perform
> prescribed duties. Lord Krsna and Arjuna,
> the Lord's eternal friend, had no need to fight in the
> Battle of Kuruksetra, but they fought to teach people in
> general that violence is also necessary in a situation
> where good arguments fail. Before the Battle of Kuruksetra,
> every effort was made to avoid the war, even by the Supreme
> Personality of Godhead, but the other party was determined
> to fight. So for such a right cause, there is a necessity
> for fighting. Although one who is situated in Krsna
> consciousness may not have any interest in the world, he
> still works to teach the public how to live and how to act.
> Experienced persons in Krsna consciousness can act in such
> a way that others will follow, and this is explained in the
> following verse.
275 Bg 3.21
277 TEXT 21
281 Whatever action a great man performs,
> common men follow. And whatever standards
> he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.
285 People in general always require a leader who can teach the
> public by practical behavior. A leader cannot teach the
> public to stop smoking if he himself smokes. Lord Caitanya
> said that a teacher should behave properly before he
> begins teaching. One who teaches in that way is called
> acarya, or the ideal teacher. Therefore, a teacher must
> follow the principles of sastra (scripture) to teach the
> common man. The teacher cannot manufacture rules against
> the principles of revealed scriptures. The revealed
> scriptures, like Manu-samhita and similar others, are
> considered the standard books to be followed by human
> society. Thus the leader's teaching should be based on the
> principles of such standard sastras. One who desires to
> improve himself must follow the standard rules as they are
> practiced by the great teachers. The Srimad-Bhagavatam also
> affirms that one should follow in the footsteps of great
> devotees, and that is the way of progress on the path of
> spiritual realization. The king or the executive head of a
> state, the father and the school teacher are all considered
> to be natural leaders of the innocent people in general.
> All such natural leaders have a great responsibility to
> their dependents; therefore they must be conversant with
> standard books of moral and spiritual codes.
287 Bg 3.22
289 TEXT 22
293 O son of Prtha, there is no work prescribed for Me within
> all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of
> anything, nor have I a need to obtain anything-and yet I am
> engaged in prescribed duties.
297 The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described in the
> Vedic literatures as follows:
299 tam isvaranam paramam mahesvaram tam devatanam paramam ca
> daivatam patim patinam paramam parastad vidama devam
> bhuvanesam idyam
301 na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate na tat-samas
> cabhyadhikas ca drsyate parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate
> svabhaviki jnana-bala-kriya ca
303 "The Supreme Lord is the controller of all other
> controllers, and He is the greatest of all the diverse
> planetary leaders. Everyone is under His control. All
> entities are delegated with particular power only by the
> Supreme Lord; they are not supreme themselves. He is also
> worshipable by all demigods and is the supreme director of
> all directors. Therefore, He is transcendental to all kinds
> of material leaders and controllers and is worshipable by
> all. There is no one greater than Him, and He is the
> supreme cause of all causes.
305 "He does not possess bodily form like that of an ordinary
> living entity. There is no difference between His body and
> His soul. He is absolute. All His senses are transcendental.
> Any one of His senses can perform the action of any other
> sense. Therefore, no one is greater than Him or equal to
> Him. His potencies are multifarious, and thus His deeds are
> automatically performed as a natural sequence." (
> Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.7–8)
307 Since everything is in full opulence in the Personality of
> Godhead and is existing in full truth, there is no duty for
> the Supreme Personality of Godhead to perform. One who must
> receive the results of work has some designated duty, but
> one who has nothing to achieve within the three planetary
> systems certainly has no duty. And yet Lord Krsna is
> engaged on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra as the leader of
> the ksatriyas because the ksatriyas are duty-bound to give
> protection to the distressed. Although He is above all the
> regulations of the revealed scriptures, He does not do
> anything that violates the revealed scriptures.
309 Bg 3.23
311 TEXT 23
315 For if I ever failed to engage in carefully performing
> prescribed duties, O Partha, certainly all men would follow
> My path.
319 In order to keep the balance of social tranquillity for
> progress in spiritual life, there are traditional family
> usages meant for every civilized man. Although such rules
> and regulations are for the conditioned souls and not Lord
> Krsna, because He descended to establish the principles of
> religion He followed the prescribed rules. Otherwise,
> common men would follow in His footsteps, because He is the
> greatest authority. From the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is
> understood that Lord Krsna was performing all the religious
> duties at home and out of home, as required of a
> householder.
321 Bg 3.24
323 TEXT 24
327 If I did not perform prescribed duties, all these
> worlds would be put to ruination. I would be the cause
> of creating unwanted population, and I would thereby
> destroy the peace of all living beings.
331 Varna-sankara is unwanted population which disturbs the
> peace of the general society. In order to check this social
> disturbance, there are prescribed rules and regulations by
> which the population can automatically become peaceful and
> organized for spiritual progress in life. When Lord Krsna
> descends, naturally He deals with such rules and
> regulations in order to maintain the prestige and necessity
> of such important performances. The Lord is the father of
> all living entities, and if the living entities are
> misguided, indirectly the responsibility goes to the Lord.
> Therefore, whenever there is general disregard of
> regulative principles, the Lord Himself descends and
> corrects the society. We should, however, note carefully
> that although we have to follow in the footsteps of the
> Lord, we still have to remember that we cannot imitate Him.
> Following and imitating are not on the same level. We
> cannot imitate the Lord by lifting Govardhana Hill, as the
> Lord did in His childhood. It is impossible for any human
> being. We have to follow His instructions, but we may not
> imitate Him at any time. The Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.33.30–31)
> affirms:
333 naitat samacarej jatu manasapi hy anisvarah vinasyaty
> acaran maudhyad yatha 'rudro 'bdhi-jam visam
335 isvaranam vacah satyam tathaivacaritam kvacit tesam yat sva-
> vaco-yuktam buddhimams tat samacaret
337 "One should simply follow the instructions of the Lord and
> His empowered servants. Their instructions are all good for
> us, and any intelligent person will perform them as
> instructed. However, one should guard against trying to
> imitate their actions. One should not try to drink the
> ocean of poison in imitation of Lord Siva."
339 We should always consider the position of the isvaras, or
> those who can actually control the movements of the sun and
> moon, as superior. Without such power, one cannot imitate
> the isvaras, who are superpowerful. Lord Siva drank poison
> to the extent of swallowing an ocean, but if any common man
> tries to drink even a fragment of such poison, he will be
> killed. There are many pseudo devotees of Lord Siva who
> want to indulge in smoking ganja (marijuana) and similar
> intoxicating drugs, forgetting that by so imitating the
> acts of Lord Siva they are calling death very near.
> Similarly, there are some pseudo devotees of Lord Krsna who
> prefer to imitate the Lord in His rasa-lila, or dance of
> love, forgetting their inability to lift Govardhana Hill.
> It is best, therefore, that one not try to imitate the
> powerful, but simply follow their instructions; nor should
> one try to occupy their posts without qualification. There
> are so many "incarnations" of God without the power of the
> Supreme Godhead.
341 Bg 3.25
343 TEXT 25
347 As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to
> results, the learned may similarly act, but
> without attachment, for the sake of leading people on the
> right path.
351 A person in Krsna consciousness and a person not in Krsna
> consciousness are differentiated by different desires. A
> Krsna conscious person does not do anything which is not
> conducive to development of Krsna consciousness. He may
> even act exactly like the ignorant person, who is too much
> attached to material activities, but one is engaged in such
> activities for the satisfaction of his sense gratification,
> whereas the other is engaged for the satisfaction of Krsna.
> Therefore, the Krsna conscious person is required to show
> the people how to act and how to engage the results of
> action for the purpose of Krsna consciousness.
353 Bg 3.26
355 TEXT 26
359 So as not to disrupt the minds of ignorant men
> attached to the fruitive results of prescribed duties, a
> learned person should not induce them to stop
> work. Rather, by working in the spirit of devotion, he
> should engage them in all sorts of activities [for the
> gradual development of Krsna consciousness].
363 Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah. That is the end of all
> Vedic rituals. All rituals, all performances of sacrifices,
> and everything that is put into the Vedas, including all
> direction for material activities, are meant for
> understanding Krsna, who is the ultimate goal of life. But
> because the conditioned souls do not know anything beyond
> sense gratification, they study the Vedas to that end.
> But through fruitive activities and sense
> gratification regulated by the Vedic rituals one is
> gradually elevated to Krsna consciousness.
365 Therefore a realized soul in Krsna consciousness should not
> disturb others in their activities or understanding, but he
> should act by showing how the results of all work can be
> dedicated to the service of Krsna. The learned Krsna
> conscious person may act in such a way that the ignorant
> person working for sense gratification may learn how to act
> and how to behave. Although the ignorant man is not to be
> disturbed in his activities, a slightly developed
> Krsna conscious person may directly be engaged in the
> service of the Lord without waiting for other Vedic
> formulas. For this fortunate man there is no need to follow
> the Vedic rituals, because by direct Krsna consciousness
> one can have all the results one would otherwise
> derive from following one's prescribed duties.
367 Bg 3.27
369 TEXT 27
373 The spirit soul bewildered by the
> influence of false ego thinks himself
> the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out
> by the three modes of material nature.
377 Two persons, one in Krsna consciousness and the other in
> material consciousness, working on the same level, may
> appear to be working on the same platform, but there is a
> wide gulf of difference in their respective positions. The
> person in material consciousness is convinced by false ego
> that he is the doer of everything. He does not know that
> the mechanism of the body is produced by material nature,
> which works under the supervision of the Supreme Lord. The
> materialistic person has no knowledge that ultimately he is
> under the control of Krsna. The person in false ego takes
> all credit for doing everything independently, and that is
> the symptom of his nescience. He does not know that this
> gross and subtle body is the creation of material nature,
> under the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and
> as such his bodily and mental activities should be engaged
> in the service of Krsna, in Krsna consciousness. The
> ignorant man forgets that the Supreme Personality of
> Godhead is known as Hrsikesa, or the master of the senses
> of the material body, for due to his long misuse of the
> senses in sense gratification, he is factually bewildered
> by the false ego, which makes him forget his eternal
> relationship with Krsna.
379 Bg 3.28
381 TEXT 28
385 One who is in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, O mighty-
> armed, does not engage himself in the senses and sense
> gratification, knowing well the differences between work in
> devotion and work for fruitive results.
389 The knower of the Absolute Truth is convinced of his
> awkward position in material association. He knows that he
> is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
> Krsna, and that his position should not be in the material
> creation. He knows his real identity as part and parcel of
> the Supreme, who is eternal bliss and knowledge, and he
> realizes that somehow or other he is entrapped in the
> material conception of life. In his pure state of existence
> he is meant to dovetail his activities in devotional
> service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. He
> therefore engages himself in the activities of Krsna
> consciousness and becomes naturally unattached to the
> activities of the material senses, which are all
> circumstantial and temporary. He knows that his material
> condition of life is under the supreme control of the Lord;
> consequently he is not disturbed by all kinds of material
> reactions, which he considers to be the mercy of the Lord.
> According to Srimad-Bhagavatam, one who knows the Absolute
> Truth in three different features-namely Brahman, Paramatma,
> and the Supreme Personality of Godhead-is called tattva-
> vit, for he knows also his own factual position in
> relationship with the Supreme.
391 Bg 3.29
393 TEXT 29
397 Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant
> fully engage themselves in material activities and become
> attached. But the wise should not unsettle them, although
> these duties are inferior due to the performers' lack of
> knowledge.
401 Persons who are unknowledgeable falsely identify with gross
> material consciousness and are full of material
> designations. This body is a gift of the material nature,
> and one who is too much attached to the bodily
> consciousness is called manda, or a lazy person without
> understanding of spirit soul. Ignorant men think of the
> body as the self; they accept bodily connections with
> others as kinsmanship, the land in which the
> body is obtained is their object of worship, and they
> consider the formalities of religious rituals to
> be ends in themselves. Social work, nationalism
> and altruism are some of the activities for such materially
> designated persons. Under the spell of such designations,
> they are always busy in the material field; for them
> spiritual realization is a myth, and so they are not
> interested.
> Those who are
> enlightened in spiritual life, however, should not try to
> agitate such materially engrossed persons. Better to
> prosecute one's own spiritual activities silently. Such
> bewildered persons may be engaged in such primary moral
> principles of life as nonviolence and similar materially
> benevolent work.
403 Men who are ignorant cannot appreciate activities in Krsna
> consciousness, and therefore Lord Krsna advises us not to
> disturb them and simply waste valuable time. But the
> devotees of the Lord are more kind than the Lord because
> they understand the purpose of the Lord. Consequently they
> undertake all kinds of risks, even to the point of
> approaching ignorant men to try to engage them in the acts
> of Krsna consciousness, which are absolutely necessary for
> the human being.
405 Bg 3.30
407 TEXT 30
411 Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me,
> with full knowledge of Me, without desires for profit,
> with no claims to proprietorship, and free from
> lethargy, fight.
415 This verse clearly indicates the purpose of the Bhagavad-
> gita. The Lord instructs that one has to become fully Krsna
> conscious to discharge duties, as if in military discipline.
> Such an injunction may make things a little difficult;
> nevertheless duties must be carried out, with dependence on
> Krsna, because that is the constitutional position of the
> living entity. The living entity cannot be happy
> independent of the cooperation of the Supreme Lord, because
> the eternal constitutional position of the living entity is
> to become subordinate to the desires of the Lord. Arjuna
> was therefore ordered by Sri Krsna to fight as if the
> Lord were his military commander. One has to sacrifice
> everything for the good will of the Supreme Lord, and at
> the same time discharge prescribed duties without claiming
> proprietorship. Arjuna did not have to consider the order
> of the Lord; he had only to execute His order. The Supreme
> Lord is the soul of all souls; therefore, one who depends
> solely and wholly on the Supreme Soul without personal
> consideration, or in other words, one who is fully Krsna
> conscious, is called adhyatma-cetas. Nirasih means that
> one has to act on the order of the master but should not
> expect fruitive results. The cashier may count
> millions of dollars for his employer, but he does not claim
> a cent for himself. Similarly, one has to realize that
> nothing in the world belongs to any individual person, but
> that everything belongs to the Supreme Lord. That is the
> real purport of mayi, or "unto Me." And when one acts in
> such Krsna consciousness, certainly he does not claim
> proprietorship over anything. This consciousness is called
> nirmama, or "nothing is mine." And if there is any
> reluctance to execute such a stern order, which is without
> consideration of so-called kinsmen in the bodily
> relationship, that reluctance should be thrown off; in this
> way one may become vigata-jvara, or without feverish
> mentality or lethargy. Everyone, according to his quality
> and position, has a particular type of work to discharge,
> and all such duties may be discharged in Krsna
> consciousness, as described above. That will lead one to
> the path of liberation.
417 Bg 3.31
419 TEXT 31
423 Those persons who execute their duties according to My
> injunctions and who follow this teaching faithfully,
> without envy, become free from the bondage of fruitive
> actions.
427 The injunction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna,
> is the essence of all Vedic wisdom and therefore is
> eternally true without exception. As the Vedas are eternal,
> so this truth of Krsna consciousness is also eternal. One
> should have firm faith in this injunction, without envying
> the Lord. There are many philosophers who write comments on
> the Bhagavad-gita but have no faith in Krsna. They will
> never be liberated from the bondage of fruitive action. But
> an ordinary man with firm faith in the eternal injunctions
> of the Lord, even though unable to execute such orders,
> becomes liberated from the bondage of the law of karma. In
> the beginning of Krsna consciousness, one may not fully
> discharge the injunctions of the Lord, but because one is
> not resentful of this principle and works sincerely without
> consideration of defeat and hopelessness, he will surely be
> promoted to the stage of pure Krsna consciousness.
429 Bg 3.32
431 TEXT 32
435 But those who, out of envy, disregard these teachings and
> do not follow them are to be considered bereft
> of all knowledge, befooled, and ruined in their
> endeavors for perfection.
439 The flaw of not being Krsna conscious is clearly stated
> herein. As there is punishment for disobedience to the
> order of the supreme executive head, so there is certainly
> punishment for disobedience to the order of the Supreme
> Personality of Godhead. A disobedient person, however great
> he may be, is ignorant of his own self, and of the Supreme
> Brahman, Paramatma and the Personality of Godhead, due
> to a vacant heart. Therefore there is no hope of perfection
> of life for him.
441 Bg 3.33
443 TEXT 33
447 Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature,
> for everyone follows the nature he has acquired from the
> three modes. What can repression accomplish?
451 Unless one is situated on the transcendental platform of
> Krsna consciousness, he cannot get free from the influence
> of the modes of material nature, as it is confirmed by the
> Lord in the Seventh Chapter (7.14). Therefore, even for the
> most highly educated person on the mundane plane, it is
> impossible to get out of the entanglement of maya simply by
> theoretical knowledge, or by separating the soul from the
> body. There are many so-called spiritualists who outwardly
> pose as advanced in the science but inwardly or
> privately are completely under particular modes of
> nature which they are unable to surpass. Academically, one
> may be very learned, but because of his long association
> with material nature, he is in bondage. Krsna consciousness
> helps one to get out of the material entanglement, even
> though one may be engaged in his prescribed duties in terms
> of material existence. Therefore, without being fully in
> Krsna consciousness, one should not give up his
> occupational duties. No one should suddenly give up his
> prescribed duties and become a so-called yogi or
> transcendentalist artificially. It is better to be situated
> in one's position and to try to attain Krsna consciousness
> under superior training. Thus one may be freed from the
> clutches of Krsna's maya.
453 Bg 3.34
455 TEXT 34
459 There are principles to regulate attachment and
> aversion pertaining to the senses and their
> objects. One should not come under the control of such
> attachment and aversion, because they are stumbling
> blocks on the path of self-realization.
463 Those who are in Krsna consciousness are naturally
> reluctant to engage in material sense gratification. But
> those who are not in such consciousness should follow the
> rules and regulations of the revealed scriptures.
> Unrestricted sense enjoyment is the cause of material
> encagement, but one who follows the rules and regulations
> of the revealed scriptures does not become entangled by the
> sense objects. For example, sex enjoyment is a necessity
> for the conditioned soul, and sex enjoyment is allowed
> under the license of marriage ties. According
> to scriptural injunctions, one is forbidden to
> engage in sex relationships with any women other than one's
> wife. All other women are to be considered as one's mother.
> But in spite of such injunctions, a man is still inclined
> to have sex relationships with other women. These
> propensities are to be curbed; otherwise they will be
> stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization. As long
> as the material body is there, the necessities of the
> material body are allowed, but under rules and regulations.
> And yet, we should not rely upon the control of such
> allowances. One has to follow those rules and regulations,
> unattached to them, because practice of sense
> gratification under regulations may also lead one to go
> astray-as much as there is always the chance of an accident,
> even on the royal roads. Although they may be very
> carefully maintained, no one can guarantee that there will
> be no danger even on the safest road. The sense enjoyment
> spirit has been current a very long, long time, owing to
> material association. Therefore, in spite of regulated
> sense enjoyment, there is every chance of falling down;
> therefore any attachment for regulated sense enjoyment must
> also be avoided by all means. But attachment to Krsna
> consciousness, or acting always in the loving service of
> Krsna, detaches one from all kinds of sensory activities.
> Therefore, no one should try to be detached from Krsna
> consciousness at any stage of life. The whole purpose of
> detachment from all kinds of sense attachment is ultimately
> to become situated on the platform of Krsna consciousness.
465 Bg 3.35
467 TEXT 35
471 It is far better to discharge one's prescribed duties, even
> though faultily, than another's duties
> perfectly. Destruction in the course of performing one's
> own duty is better than engaging in another's duties, for
> to follow another's path is dangerous.
475 One should therefore discharge his prescribed duties in
> full Krsna consciousness rather than those prescribed for
> others. Materially, prescribed duties are duties
> enjoined according to one's psychophysical condition, under
> the spell of the modes of material nature. Spiritual duties
> are as ordered by the spiritual master for the
> transcendental service of Krsna. But whether material or
> spiritual, one should stick to his prescribed duties even
> up to death, rather than imitate another's prescribed
> duties. Duties on the spiritual platform and duties on the
> material platform may be different, but the principle of
> following the authorized direction is always good for the
> performer. When one is under the spell of the modes of
> material nature, one should follow the prescribed rules for
> his particular situation and should not imitate others.
> For example, a brahmana, who is in the mode of goodness, is
> nonviolent, whereas a ksatriya, who is in the mode of
> passion, is allowed to be violent. As such, for a ksatriya
> it is better to be vanquished following the rules of
> violence than to imitate a brahmana who follows the
> principles of nonviolence. Everyone has to cleanse his
> heart by a gradual process, not abruptly. However, when one
> transcends the modes of material nature and is fully
> situated in Krsna consciousness, he can perform anything
> and everything under the direction of a bona fide
> spiritual master. In that complete stage of Krsna
> consciousness, the ksatriya may act as a brahmana, or a
> brahmana may act as a ksatriya. In the transcendental stage,
> the distinctions of the material world do not apply. For
> example, Visvamitra was originally a ksatriya, but later on
> he acted as a brahmana, whereas Parasurama was a brahmana
> but later on he acted as a ksatriya. Being transcendentally
> situated, they could do so; but as long as one is on the
> material platform, he must perform his duties according to
> the modes of material nature. At the same time, he must
> have a full sense of Krsna consciousness.
477 Bg 3.36
479 TEXT 36
483 Arjuna said: O descendant of Vrsni, by what is one impelled
> to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force?
487 A living entity, as part and parcel of the Supreme, is
> originally spiritual, pure, and free from all material
> contaminations. Therefore, by nature he is not subject to
> the sins of the material world. But when he is in contact
> with the material nature, he acts in many sinful ways
> without hesitation, and sometimes even against his will. As
> such, Arjuna's question to Krsna is very sanguine, as to
> the perverted nature of the living entities. Although the
> living entity sometimes does not want to act in sin, he is
> still forced to act. Sinful actions are not, however,
> impelled by the Supersoul within, but are due to another
> cause, as the Lord explains in the next verse.
489 Bg 3.37
491 TEXT 37
495 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: It is lust only,
> Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of
> passion and later transformed into wrath, and which is the
> all-devouring sinful enemy of this world.
499 When a living entity comes in contact with the material
> creation, his eternal love for Krsna is transformed into
> lust, in association with the mode of passion. Or, in other
> words, the sense of love of God becomes transformed into
> lust, as milk in contact with sour tamarind is transformed
> into yogurt. Then again, when lust is unsatisfied, it turns
> into wrath; wrath is transformed into illusion, and
> illusion continues the material existence. Therefore, lust
> is the greatest enemy of the living entity, and it is lust
> only which induces the pure living entity to remain
> entangled in the material world. Wrath is the manifestation
> of the mode of ignorance; these modes exhibit themselves as
> wrath and other corollaries. If, therefore, the mode of
> passion, instead of being degraded into the mode of
> ignorance, is elevated to the mode of goodness by the
> prescribed method of living and acting, then one can be
> saved from the degradation of wrath by spiritual attachment.
501 The Supreme Personality of Godhead expanded Himself into
> many for His ever-increasing spiritual bliss, and the
> living entities are parts and parcels of this spiritual
> bliss. They also have partial independence, but by misuse
> of their independence, when the service attitude is
> transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they
> come under the sway of lust. This material creation is
> created by the Lord to give facility to the conditioned
> souls to fulfill these lustful propensities, and when
> completely baffled by prolonged lustful activities, the
> living entities begin to inquire about their real position.
503 This inquiry is the beginning of the Vedanta-sutras,
> wherein it is said, athato brahma-jijnasa: one should
> inquire into the Supreme. And the Supreme is defined in
> Srimad-Bhagavatam as janmady asya yato 'nvayad itaratas
> ca, or, "The origin of everything is the Supreme Brahman."
> Therefore the origin of lust is also in the Supreme. If,
> therefore, lust is transformed into love for the Supreme,
> or transformed into Krsna consciousness-or, in other words,
> desiring everything for Krsna-then both lust and wrath can
> be spiritualized. Hanuman, the great servitor of Lord Rama,
> exhibited his wrath by burning the golden city of Ravana,
> but by doing so he became the greatest devotee of the Lord.
> Here also, in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord induces Arjuna to
> engage his wrath upon his enemies for the satisfaction of
> the Lord. Therefore, lust and wrath, when they are employed
> in Krsna consciousness, become our friends instead of our
> enemies.
505 Bg 3.38
507 TEXT 38
511 As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust,
> or as the embryo is covered by the womb, the
> living entity is similarly covered by different degrees of
> this lust.
515 There are three degrees of covering of the living entity by
> which his pure consciousness is obscured. This covering is
> but lust under different manifestations like smoke in the
> fire, dust on the mirror, and the womb about the embryo.
> When lust is compared to smoke, it is understood that the
> fire of the living spark can be a little perceived. In
> other words, when the living entity exhibits his Krsna
> consciousness slightly, he may be likened to the fire
> covered by smoke. Although fire is necessary where there is
> smoke, there is no overt manifestation of fire in the early
> stage. This stage is like the beginning of Krsna
> consciousness. The dust on the mirror refers to a cleansing
> process of the mirror of the mind by so many spiritual
> methods. The best process is to chant the holy names of the
> Lord. The embryo covered by the womb is an analogy
> illustrating a helpless position, for the child in the womb
> is so helpless that he cannot even move. This stage of
> living condition can be compared to that of the trees. The
> trees are also living entities, but they have been put in
> such a condition of life by such a great exhibition of lust
> that they are almost void of all consciousness. The covered
> mirror is compared to the birds and beasts, and the smoke-
> covered fire is compared to the human being. In the form of
> a human being, the living entity may revive a little Krsna
> consciousness, and, if he makes further development, the
> fire of spiritual life can be kindled in the human form of
> life. By careful handling of the smoke in the fire,
> fire can be made to blaze. Therefore the human form of life
> is a chance for the living entity to escape the
> entanglement of material existence. In the human form of
> life, one can conquer the enemy, lust, by cultivation of
> Krsna consciousness under able guidance.
517 Bg 3.39
519 TEXT 39
523 Thus the wise living entity's pure consciousness becomes
> covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is
> never satisfied and which burns like fire.
527 It is said in the Manu-smrti that lust cannot be satisfied
> by any amount of sense enjoyment, just as fire is never
> extinguished by a constant supply of fuel. In the material
> world, the center of all activities is sex, and thus this
> material world is called maithunya-agara, or the shackles
> of sex life. In the ordinary prison house, criminals are
> kept within bars; similarly, the criminals who are
> disobedient to the laws of the Lord are shackled by sex
> life. Advancement of material civilization on the basis of
> sense gratification means increasing the duration of the
> material existence of a living entity. Therefore, this lust
> is the symbol of ignorance by which the living entity is
> kept within the material world. While one enjoys sense
> gratification, it may be that there is some feeling of
> happiness, but actually that so-called feeling of happiness
> is the ultimate enemy of the sense enjoyer.
529 Bg 3.40
531 TEXT 40
535 The senses, the mind and the intelligence are the sitting
> places of this lust. Through them lust covers the real
> knowledge of the living entity and bewilders him.